Well here we go again!!!!! ......there is no shortage of fucking idiots on this rock/globe/planet/mother earth.......jim jones/david koresh/yahwee ben yahweeh/....etc.....etc.......listen!!!!........ i say this all the time ...there are two types of people on this planet ......followers and leaders .......and there are thousands ......if not hundreds of thousands of low self eseem/worth people........ looking to be led ......anywhere ......and of course there are lots of people willing to lead people into hell ......at a cost of course ........look at David Koresh .......and of curse the largest cult on earth is religion ......but hey !!!!!........ who am i to condescend anyone /thing........ and here is a fucking beauty ....a starvation cult ........and the leader eats ........you have to say......... this is the best one yet !!!!!.........some people are just plain fucking stupid......... and deserve everything they get!!!!! .....i have no sympathy for stupidity .....it is what gets rid of the weak .....stupid is ........ as stupid does........... as they say in forrest gump ......but listen Africa.......not a really advanced country........ and as we all know .......... this continent........ is totally corrupt as fuck .......... all african presidents are fucking scammers .........so the proverbial apple......... does not far from the tree .......africa........ and corruption go hand in hand ........like ....peaches and cream/salt and pepper/coffee and cream/guns and roses /salt and butter/hookers and coke/strippers and cash/fork and knives/tea and biscuits......etc ....etc ......i mean the hunger strike is working ......318 have croaked .....and you know what this means ........that 318 less stupid people are on this planet using oxygen ......it seems to work well ..........and the leader is still alive ........SURPRISE!!!!!!!........and of course 64.....are not eating ....it is saving money of food .....it seems to be a very successful cult ........on every level ........and Africa is a country in a shit state of affairs .......... when it comes to food ........and water ........so this might not be too noticed as Africa ......... it is a 3rd world country with food probs anyways .......so what better place to start a cult........ without food .......AFRICA!!!!!!fucking smart
And funnily enough......... religion in Africa is huge.... ....like all 3rd world countries .....listen!!!!!!.....they all use ......if you are going to start a cult ....... ....which i do not recommend......call it a church like they all do.......they think up elaborate names......... and idiots go there ....thinking it is a church ........look at african pastor......karlos bonke .....rich...... his followers are poor ......HELLO!!!!!....
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