Friday, June 16, 2023

ONLY 6 I THOUGHT THERE MIGHT BE MORE ...................


Well six it is then....... all good writers ........of course......... my favorite of all..........of them is none other than mister Willaim Shakespeare  .......his plays are amazing......... and  way....... way ........way beyond their  years .......i was blessed with the greatest  experience ever ........i was  in the garden of tracquair house........ in yarrow valley ......Scotland .........and they  had Shakespeare al fresco........ in the garden that evening  .....simply one of the  greatest things i ever saw was  amazing .........the whole  play went on around us.........  as we  sat in the  lawn ......and these guys were simple  amazing  .........i do have william Shakespeare's  complete  works ......and i will never  part with it ..........

And of   course sir arthur conan doyle........ who  done sherlock .....i mean who does not  love  sherlock Holmes   .......simply one thee best authors when it came to a great detective  ....of his day .........i loved  them........  all of them even...... the  new  made ones.........  it is  after all........ sherlock holmes ........

Six Writers Who Changed the World

 | Paul Abhishek
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