Image: Creative Commons. U.S. Senator Kamala Harris speaking with supporters at a womens town hall hosted by NARAL at Confluence Brewery in Des Moines, Iowa.
Image: Creative Commons. U.S. Senator Kamala Harris speaking with supporters at a womens town hall hosted by NARAL at Confluence Brewery in Des Moines, Iowa.© Provided by 1945

Kamala Harris has had some major problems in the last few years and many think she does not have what it takes to be in the White House in any roll. However, she seems committed to try and rebuild her image. Can it work? 

Liberal politicians go on late night comedic television and it’s a love fest. The leftist hosts shower them with compliments and pitch soft ball questions and the studio crowd loves it. Such was the case with Vice President Kamala Harris’ appearance on Stephen Colbert’s Late Show on CBS back in March. She had questions that a high school student could answer and an audience that clapped after almost every statement.

The first question from Colbert to Harris was about the HBO television comedy “Veep” in which Julia Louis-Dreyfuss plays a vice president who is clueless, incompetent, unqualified, and disrespected by the people around her. Sound familiar? Yet Harris appeared to own up to the Veep comparison during her discussion with Colbert.

Harris: I know you love Veep.


Colbert: Is it accurate?

Harris: There are parts of it that are actually quite accurate. (Then her trademark painful and cringe worthy cackle emerged.)

To her credit, Harris actually handled one question from Colbert quite skillfully.

Colbert: What do you love about America?

Harris: There’s so much. There’s so much. I have the blessing and privilege of traveling all over the country. I meet people that are the most optimistic that is possible. We believe in freedom and liberty as Americans, and we fight for it.

Score one for Harris. In balance, the vice president actually did fine on Colbert. As noted before, the questions were not difficult, and the audience was appreciative.

Fox News Still Roasts Kamala Harris

That wasn’t enough for conservative host Jesse Waters of Fox News who roasted Harris after her appearance with Colbert at the time.

“Kamala Harris still hasn’t realized she doesn’t have what it takes to be president or vice president or anything else that involves leadership," Waters said. “Harris has launched her…well we lost count…fifth rebrand tour trying to get America to fall in love with her and make sure Biden doesn’t kick her off the ticket. You can call this a re-re-re-brand.”

Waters’ criticism has merit based on many Harris public appearances. I have covered Harris extensively and I know when she is at her worst communicating. The repetition of obvious phrases that don’t make sense in totality, followed by that annoying laugh, should be eliminated from her messaging in public.

But the White House may have struck a chord with Harris by placing her on a friendly late night talk show. She really wasn’t that bad in this particular instance. You could even say that Harris has regained her footing and may have earned some confidence.

Can She Make a Comeback? 

I’ve always said that she has potential, and her experience should have prepared her well for the vice presidency. She has an enviable resume – district attorney, attorney general, and U.S. Senator. Why can’t she be better?

Sometimes politicians do everything they can to be relatable. Harris wants to make connections with ordinary people. This means she attempts to make jokes. These are often unfunny and even insulting.

Her foibles have come from a lack of confidence. So why not put her in more friendly environments like liberal television? She can try to be as funny as she wants. But the vice presidency is not about humor. America faces huge problems that are serious. An uncertain economy with people struggling to get by; illegal immigration that has overwhelmed the authorities at the southern border; and the opioid crisis, just to name a few.

How About Some Seriousness?

Maybe Harris can find confidence in low pressure situations and take a role in solving real issues. The Colbert appearance was a step in the right direction. Remove the levity in serious situations, Madam Vice President, and show us the skills that the Biden administration thinks you have. The laugh can come and go depending on the circumstances, but you owe the American people leadership, especially when you are one step removed from the presidency.

Author Expertise and Experience: Serving as 19FortyFive’s Defense and National Security Editor, Dr. Brent M. Eastwood is the author of Humans, Machines, and Data: Future Trends in Warfare. He is an Emerging Threats expert and former U.S. Army Infantry officer. You can follow him on Twitter @BMEastwood. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and Foreign Policy/ International Relations.
