Friday, June 16, 2023


Listen i always thought michelle was packing has been rumored for a long time  ....she /he was a  fucking feller /bloke/mate/geezer/him/dude.......and  i have to say........... i have not........  and i do not want to  meet  michelle /michael......but........ as  sure  as your  ass.......... to a  farmers's a fucking geezer .......look at the  boat/boat race/face......i have never seen a pic of  michelle/michael .....knocked up /preggers/pregnant........not fucking one crumb snatchers/window lickers.......  has   ...which led  me to believe sasha........ and  the other ones name i leahaikea/...... or something who fucking knows...... ......are test tubes  babies/kids/crumbsnatchers .........let me see .....every time i saw  her........  she looks manly ....not girly/feminine.....manly .......but hey!!!! ....if he /she....makes him happy  .......he might be happier than most straight couples ........ it's his  world .......who knows ........  who care.......s i fucking don't  ........i just never liked  his bullshit rhetoric as  president .........he did fuck all....... that i know  of   ......but then i do not  vote  ....... never will ......not  a  sheep ......but if that is  your thing....... and  you feel compelled  to get fucked  every 4 yours .........part them cheeks........ and  take the lube .......all i have to say ......bon voyage ....some people like getting it in the arse ........

Michelle Obama is a Man Conspiracy Theory explained

Is Michelle Obama A Man? The Viral Conspiracy Theory And Controversy Explained

Conspiracy theorists online have found a new theory to wrap their heads around, based on former U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama secretly being a man.

What might sound like a far-fetched "transvestigation" to many online has others believing its validity. Via screenshots, photos and other so-called "evidence," Barack Obama's wife could have previously been named Michael.

While some are taking these allegations seriously, others are simply not buying it. Instead, they're making memes about it, satirizing the idea that anyone would believe such an idea.

So, who's right in all this? Is Michelle Obama a man? Let's explain what's been discussed so far.

Why Did Barack Obama Call Michelle Obama 'Michael?'

Back in 2011, when Obama was still President, the White House's YouTube channel uploaded a video of him welcoming the new Joint Chief of Staff Chairman, Mike Mullen. Years later, conspiracy theorists resurfaced the video online, clipping a part where Obama thanked Admiral Mullen, Deborah and Michael, the last of which made no sense. The theorists believed he missaid Michelle's name, using her male "dead name" instead. However, outlets like Reuters disputed this claim, stating that Obama was actually talking about Mullen's son, who is also named Michael.

Why Do People Think Michelle Obama Looks Like A Man?

Back in 2013, random YouTube videos started cropping up that did deep dives into photos of Michelle Obama, analyzing them for hidden male features in her physique. Overall, the videos were highly speculative.

What Did Joan Rivers Say About Michelle Obama Being A Man?

Before comedian Joan Rivers passed away in late 2014, a paparazzi clip of her surfaced in which she seemingly joked that Obama was "the first gay President" because Michelle was transgender. Some people online took what she said literally, and when she died, some online purported that she was "taken out" for spreading the rumor.

Who Altered The Michelle Obama Photo?

In recent weeks, a photo went viral online in which a younger Obama is seen standing with a man who vaguely looked like his wife Michelle. However, the photo was digitally altered, originally posted by Obama to his Twitter account in 2019, showing him and Michelle. In 2020, Facebook pages started to share the altered screenshot, seemingly running it through a face filter that gave Michelle a stronger jaw and shorter hair.

Barack Obama @BarackObama I knew it way back then and I'm absolutely convinced of it today - you're one of a kind, @Michelle Obama. Happy Birthday! 10:02 AM - Jan 17, 2019 Gorbachev asks Mama Ngina Drive ment ... JUST 2 DUDES, 16 BEFORE THEY WERE HUSBAND AND WIFE!


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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......