Tuesday, June 13, 2023

JUST SO YOU KNOW .........


Just so you know .......i do this.....becasue i am merely saying what people are thinking .......but are way too afraid to say themselves .......there are a  lot of scared people ........with kids .......and  families  .....that want everyone to accept........ and like them  .......they are  scared....... and  afraid ....... what  family friends  ......and  people........ will what is in their  mind  .....well........ that is  why i am here ......i am not cut from he same cloth as  the rest .........at least i am free ......i am not a  prisoner of  people....... or  what they  think  ....fuck what they think!!!!!! .......i am not here to please others .....life is not a popularity contest .......if you cannot be free  ............then what is the point of  being here ......you live in denial on facebook ..........and cannot say what you really feel ..........i know........ and  see by your posts  ..........paying all your  fucking happy families .....when most of  you are in a  state of  disrepair ......and  struggling .......... but  playing like everything is  fine ........all i can say is ......... you are not free!!!!!!......you pretend .......  to play these  roles  of success  ....when you are prisoners of your  image .........not my thing !!!!.........but hey!!!! ..........if that is  what you think!........ makes you happy to  be  popular ......see who comes to your bedside when you are sick ........

here are some piccies......... when i do not cut and  paste  for your  pleasure ........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......