Wednesday, June 7, 2023



When kanye stormed taylor swift! the  awards .......trying to get Beyonce ......the title .......and kanye was  drunk of his ass........ or some  excuse ...... but he is out there  for sure .....on his own planet .....he does  some really mad  shit ......and loves doanld trump .......i think....... or was a trump supporter .......and  wanted run for president  ,....and his shoes .......not sure  about them i would not wear them .....i think  being married  to Kim Kardashian .......would fuck up any human being  .....with the whole family....... being a bunch of   psychotic fucking  loonies ....... and  there  old man ........  switching teams .......and  losing his wamg........ and  two tomatoes .........once a reveered athlete  a decathlon i think and old  broad ....but has  hundreds of  millions........ of  bucks i guess ........ if you wanna  change into whatever  you wish ......having  hundreds of mills  helps the process ........the whole  Kardashian are fucking mental .......i never could  get over the kim  .....she got famous by doing a very low budget  porn.......... and ryan seacrest  ....... made the  series......... and  a lot of  money..... a   shite load of money ......

I think he might be  some sort of mad genius .......i am sure  he  does have some  crazy stuff .......and married  a fucking loonie who is rich !.........but look at the  Kardashian followers  .....not  the  smartest  cunts on the globe.......... .pre-pubescent .....mall rats  .....kanye  does  have some vision ......not sure  what it is  ........ but people are  fascinated  by this  man ............mind you he is  a maverick fashion ....icon .......not  a style  icon ........there is a big difference is for the masses  is  for  a  very  select  few  ........who are pioneers .....the unafraid .......versace/lagerfeld/bowie/......just to mention a  few not  mix  fashion....... with style  ....those are 2 differemt worlds .........completely ........

Kanye West – The Maverick Fashion Icon

 | Barnali Sarkar
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......