Wednesday, June 7, 2023

e-mail man ............


I never knew or head of him till now .........e-mail inventor  ray tomlinson ........i always wondered  where it came from! ......e-mail that is !........well actually i did not really know.........  or  give a flying fuck......... about e-mail..........  to be honest with you ,,,,,,,,i never  wasted time..........  thinking about it ......i just took it for granted ....... like everyone else AOL ......that was  my first days of  PC  world .........when i just started on the net  ....with a  shitty  put together comp form a  friend was  slow ......... and  fucking annoying .......i have had many e-mail names  but now i used  three or is it four .......... not sure ........but my main one  is  the  best .........who knew  someone  invented  it  .......i just thought......... it was part of the WWW..... excuse my ignorance ....... mister  Tomlinson ........i wonder how much he is worth .......does he  get  some  VIG........ from every mail does he  get paid  ? ........does he get a  percentage          after all 4 billion people use  e- mail ........ that is a  nice slice of  cheese ........ to say the least .....

Ray Tomlinson; The Man Behind the Email

 | Paul Abhishek
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......