Friday, April 14, 2023

what a fucking shame/mess/state of affairs/shambles/


The clean up is  going to be  a fucking nause.......not tooo mention all the  waste water.....shite.....gasoline for gas stations .....waste water ......whatever   else is in the  water ......its  contaminating everything  .....whatever  it touches it will be  contaminated  the  whole fucking town .....yuk !!!!!!.....take  forever to clear up .........not  too mention......... it will undermine the  ground's only limestone......... and to get rid of  all the water's a fucking shambles of  epic proportions .........but they overbuilt the whole  place ........ with too many drains........ and  sewers ....... someone  had  to know  about all that shit .......... the  greedy fucking cunts  of  ft laud .......... all the gentrification........ rich Caucasians ......all i can say is..........  i would hate to be  a fucking landlord ........or  own houses ...... rentals ........right now are getting fucked  ....proper fucked and your  investments  are in the  total shitter ............

Florida Is Experiencing Devastating Flooding Right Now, And These 27 Photos Are Jaw-Dropping

1.On Wednesday, southern Florida was hit by a major storm that dumped about 25 inches of rain over cities and their residents.

2.Some areas saw 20 inches of rain amass within a short window of just six hours, USA Today reported.

3.The unprecedented rainfall has been referred to as an event seen only once every 1,000–2,000 years.

4.Residents have been seen trying to push their vehicles out of the deep waters...

People pushing a truck through water on a street
Chandan Khanna / AFP via Getty Images

5....but many cars have been abandoned where they stood.

Cars in water midway up their tires, as one person leans against a truck
Chandan Khanna / AFP via Getty Images

6.In some areas, the water has made its way inside and started flooding people's homes.

7.Even "hurricane impact" windows are struggling against the storm.

8.And the rain hasn't let up. Flood warnings are still in effect for counties like Broward until later tonight.

9.And emergency personnel are attempting to get to where they're needed.

10.Though schools have been shuttered, some workers have been asked to go to work regardless.

11.It's a nightmare.

12.Residential neighborhoods were hit just as hard as downtown, and fire rescue personnel are riding down the street in rafts to help families stuck in their homes.

People in rafts in deep water
Chandan Khanna / AFP via Getty Images

13.Pets included.

People with their dogs in a raft
Chandan Khanna / AFP via Getty Images

14.For anyone who was considering it, please don't swim down the flooded streets. It's very dangerous.

15.Please return to safety.

A person using a paddle to float on the water with what looks like a surfboard
Chandan Khanna / AFP via Getty Images

16.Florida is having a hard time managing such a heavy downpour in this short period of time. Drains are struggling to keep up.

17.Meanwhile, residents are wading through waters to bring back supplies.

A man walking through deep water
Chandan Khanna / AFP via Getty Images

18.And parents are doing what they can to keep children out of the flooding.

A man walking in water with two children and a third in a shopping cart
Chandan Khanna / AFP via Getty Images

19.The streets have become a river.

20.As one might expect, Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport announced that they'd be closed until Friday morning — at least.

Canceled flights on the board at the airport arrivals
Joe Raedle / Getty Images

21.Airlines warned flyers not to go to the airport, and to check on their flight's status from home, until they've been given a green light.

People sitting and lying on an airport floor with their luggage
Joe Raedle / Getty Images

22.This has left some travelers stuck and searching for a place to rest throughout terminals.

People sitting or lying down at the airport baggage carousel
Joe Raedle / Getty Images

23.Images from the tarmac may be among the most startling. The rain lightly covered runways at first...

Airplanes at an airport with a wet surface
Joe Raedle / Getty Images

24....but quickly increased in volume until runways were almost completely underwater.

25.Planes using the tarmac were seen struggling against the high waters.

26.And aerial views show exactly why.

27.The airport is now a pond.

All residents have been asked to seek shelter

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......