Saturday, April 15, 2023

I AM NOT A FAN OF RAP ......BUT .........


I was never a  fan of was never really  good music to me  ....but  i am white as  fuck ........but that was not only the reason ........but in all fairness............ i think tupcac shakur was light years in front of  himself ......much like  marc bolan....of t-rex .......david bowie.......etc...etc....there w ere  some musical savants  in  our lives  .......tupac was  up there ........tupac was being interviewed.......... and he said he was in a  recording studio ....and he went for s  shit and  wrote 2 songs .......i mean first of all .........i would never say that to anyone  anyways.......but he was always in a  constant state of  high he did not care obviously...........but i think i would believe that statement from him ..........and  i think his mum....... or  someone said .........he   had loads........ and  loads....... of songs in a  box full of  writing pads ..... which he  never go to  .........he was a  musical genius ,,,,,,,,like the great michael jackson......... who was musically amazing .........but his personal life   .......  somewhat  shady as  fuck .......we will never  know!!!!!!!.......... as  dead men never  testify ......and  once they die  ....they cannot  defend themselves......

But as fucking always .........i am getting side tracked is a  rant/blog/info....... about the great rapper tupac.......who left us  away way too early .......R.I.P.........

Tupak Shakur: A Brief History of Hip Hop’s Biggest Legend

 | Ish Bautista
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......