Wednesday, April 19, 2023



From time to time.......... i just like to  let people know .......... that i post whatever i find...... you may ......or may not like ......some of it will make  sense.......... after i ramble incessantly ........what is on my mind .......i am literally they say you a piece of  what i am thinking about might be  some  rambling ..........or deep thought .........  or  anger .........or  whatever ......i feel at that time.......... when i cut and paste i am as surprised as you...........when i rant .......nothing is planned in here ......its  like  fresh bagels ........  ready made .....

People have asked me.......... how long does it take to post a blog's literally done in minutes plans.....honestly .........i have had this about 20 years........ and  not made money.......  why?..... ....i just love the place i can rant ......

Spelling........... i hate the way  people are  brainwashed ...........into believe they have to have .....commas......full....... stops...... and write.......  so everyone  gives a fuck ........i use dot pauses......... it's how i think pauses........ nothing is prepared .......... it's  done  right here............. as i am typing......... to you to tell you ........i am willing to take  post from others too ......but hey !!!!!!!......i just love  rambling my thoughts .......some people  keep them in  .........and  they wonder why they are nuts  ........the truth shall set you free!!!!! may have no friends !!!!!!.....but you will be free ......i guarantee you that .....anyway i appreciate anyone  who takes time out of their life to read visit  my version of a  loonie bin are  some stats  i try and post let you know   i appreciate your  visiting my loonie bin can post anything you want i prmoise long as it is ...... not midget sex in cement  mixers ......or  limbless  japanese bee keeper s...... getting their part stung....... .......or  deliverance looking  mofo;s having sex......... and  shit.......  and  stuff....... no !!!!!!.......there are limits in  here .........enjoy or are stats .....thenk you !!!!!!!

All Time306138
This Month724

Last Month3053

I will do my very best  to keep up my ramblings  for your pleasure ................

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......