Monday, April 17, 2023



I like elon musk.........i fucking hate teslas! .....the design is ugly as sin ......and as soon as there is a flood Bueono signor!!!!!.....they do not work....electric does not work in floods .......incidentally........ they are not cheap......and they track every mile you drive .........but....... i do not trust any billionaire on any level .......they are insane ...........on many levels......with that much money .....which we do not know........ how he attained........ i personally think the govt is behind him .......but here is my bone of  contention with elon ....... he has a  hard on about getting to mars! ......hey fucker we are all here !!!......that is what i do not get ........all the pollution in sending rockets out to space.........not to mention the money wasted on building rockets........ and the amount of time......... that could be used to say  poverty/food/plants/earth........i simply do not get his hatred for earth .......and love for mars ......why......  we are all going to get fucked here .......things are going on behind our backs .......that we have no idea about ......

would it not be nice to say........ have a beautiful earth .....are we going to go to mars! ......and fuck that up to is what human beings do after all .......

The rich use the poor ........or whoever....... they can to do their dirty work for them ......and as we all know......... there is  no shortage of paycheck whore/parasites/prostitutes......who will do anything for paycheck .......and it is not their fault........ they are trapped ......they are caught in the know .......bills/wife/kids/mortgage/car payments/fees/family/ heard that....... guy/man/dad/husband/father/or mum say ............"i have no choice...... i got kids to feed....... and put a roof over our heads see the rich love to hear this!sorry!'s the truth....i know no one  wants to hear it ......but that's it means they can own you......... with a job /pay/insurance/stability ........but what they really want......... is to use you for their means to an end ........and have you noticed soon as you are no good........  like jeff bezzos/google/high tech/silicon valley are gone !!!! matter how much skills you have are toast .......that's the reality of rich man getting his dreams you are only as good as lunchtime .....especially in USA.......

All the money wasted on space we can fuck up other planets ........we could save our earth ......if elon /bill /warren/mark.....etc......could all work together in a plan to save earth ........unless of  course they all have alterior will destroy us floods ...earthquakes......tsunamis .......volcano eruptions.....and whatever else it will rain down on us ..................

I certainly hope i am wrong in my rant .......but the rich are doing shit .......that we.........  the ordinary joe......... are not part of ........bunkers ........cities in mountains .......and of course as i said......... A.I.......some people are just blindly going through life.......  not paying attention ......... or cannot pay attention ...........all work play! their surroundings .....and caught up in the mouse wheel.......its what they want ......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......