Saturday, April 15, 2023



Well......... every now and then.......... i like to pop in a disclaimer......just to inform readers....for all read .....i post stuff here for fun........ and  jest and  frivolity ......and entertainment.......and for you to have fun once in a while ......get away from reality all the bullshit that  drives us  nuts daily .......and  unlike the  platforms face book ......who ban anything they simply do not like  ......and i have free reign to say what i think is the truth ......hopefully......... i am as close to the truth as i can get ......this is why i get articles  and post them and  add my rant ,.......we all know  the  media....... and  such like platforms....... are fucking side/shit shows.......
i will keep sending you ridiculous /stupid/real/mad/
bios/info/things/stuff......well...... and of course .....if you want to add your stuff........ info or anything  you want to say ....feel free to send it to me.....  @ will cut and paste it  exactly as you sent it alterations ,......I appreciate all who visit ...some like it .......some do not.......
I will simply not cater those  who  tell me  i do not  write it proper ........or swear too much .......or whatever ......its merely Entertaiment /fun/just/insult/frivolity ........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......