Wednesday, March 8, 2023

strawberry festival .2023........

 Well......... as i like to keep my website interesting ........and  different ......well as i am a floridian scots........ born ........  but been here.......  more  than  half my life i thought i would go to the  strawberry festival ........i was  there  ten years ago ........and  saw none other  than the  man himself ......tom jones  ....yes thee tom jones .........never did i ever  think in my life............ i would see  such greatness in a  rinky dink agri town......... in the middle of  florida is   amazing's the  strawberry capital of the world .......and they have great   festival..........  it goes on for  days ........ and  hosts  great music ......... and  lots....... and  lots....... of  shit to  do........  and  eat  loads........ and  loads of  strawberries i took a shit load  of  pics  for  you  enjoy ....... or  not  as i say ........

it is definitely worth the trip  if you have never  been to the strawberry festival ......williie nelson .....train.....lynard skynard ......gatlin brothers .....tanya tucker ......all headlining  ....every year they have great acts .........if you have the time .....and love strawberries  .......then i highly recommend this festival  ........its one of the best and most unique festival ever ........and you can  have strawberries on everything ........fucking eh!!!!!!!......and it only costs ten bucks to get in .....whata a fucking bargain ......!!!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......