Wednesday, March 8, 2023



Living in the sunshine capital of the world  ....there is  always something happening in  sunny south Florida  .....either  festivals......... or  live bands ......or some  shit ......and every year .........the  little town called lake worth ....or as the locals would call it lake worthless it is   a town full of drug  rehabs ......but  anyways........ once a  year they have a  festival where  hundreds  come to  chalk the streets and paint on  large boards it   hosts about  200 hundred thousand people and it goes on for two days is  really quite amazing .........the amout of  artists caters  for the little  kids  too ........ cannot  leave the ankle biters out of  the are  pics  for your pleasure  or not 


it is  a good day to see so much talent in one town ........but the amount of  people ....... and the  fucking parking  ......but it's free and  free is good .......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......