Seat belts like drugs ......should be a choice ....not law .....becasue if you wanna get fucked up in a car crash ....that's your choice drugs drive .....if you do not like belts ......then good egg!!!!!!......driving is a choice seat belts should be........ i personally hate them myself.....restrcitive and you know if you do not drive like a cunt ......then you should not need to worry about a seat belt.......but the flipside to that is the road is full of cunts too .......and i see people barrel towards red lights slamming on brakes at last minute ......i have seen many people rear ended at lights ..........and that my freinds means you are eating glass.....and the airbags fuck you up to get burned and shit ........ have heard some bad stories on airbags ......... people being burned badly with the powder ........still its a fucking crap shoot in life i guess ........why does the govt care so much about your health anyways ....... ,,they let corporations poison our food ....... and kill us .........pharma kills us........ so why do they care so much about driving .....just a thought that's seems the only time govt care is about stupid shit........ like the choice to wear a seat belt ......but not your health .......!!!!!!!
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