Wednesday, February 8, 2023



Here are some interesting facts i found  for you .....enjoy them or not ,.........

1.the first person convicted of speeding was doing 8 mph......that sucks ass!!!!!.....must have been an asshole cop .....then .......

2.the severed head of a sea slug can grow a whole new body ........fuck that is scary .......

3.many foot bones do not harden till you are an adult ...........

4.goosebumps are meant to ward off predators.....who fucking knew ........

5.humans are the only animals that blush .......

6.your nostrils work one at time......75% and 25%  alternating through the day..........

7.only two mammals like spicy foods .....humans and  tree shrews.......that's mental .....

8.copper door knobs are self disinfecting .......

9.chewing gum boosts concentration ......

10. kids ask around 300 questions a day wonder i never had  any ....that is fucking annoying ........they talk too much that and a wife  ....fuck no !!!!!!...

11.most laughter is not tied to something funny's mostly tied toa stronger social bond .......

12. an ostrich kick can kill a lion .......well dam !!!!!

13.research shows that college students who run regularly.........don't get stressed during their non -running peers .......

not sure if these will improve your chance/married/a date or whatever you are looking for .....or  getting laid ....but now at least you know ...........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......