Wednesday, February 8, 2023

DISCALIMER .........




     Listen from time to time .....i like to post this disclaimer ......just to let you know .......what i am thinking  ......what you do/take/feel/or summarize....from this is your bag .....i just add my  shit to the shit  that is already there .....whatever i say is not  acceptable on face book...... the servile repugnant.......... low self  worth......piece of shite  social media platform.........where everyone is  afraid to say anything............ but ove showing their kids......... and cupcakes....... and fake family pics  ..........meanwhile......... they are at war with each other.........  back stabbing each other  ........... fucking each other over......  and  lying like horse thieves here ..........i wander freely......... spouting .....jest....... frivolity.......... and sometimes  well a lot swearing .....and of course the truth .......some like it some are offended  but it is what it is ........its just a place  to vent and say what i see the  bullshit of  life is not  fair ........ they say  ....but who are they !!!!!! is heaven of  hell .....your choice the choice to take drugs's all your option is options .....or choices .......choose wisely my friends   friends ........that is all it boils down to .....if you have something you want to get off your chest .......and would like to post it  anonymously or not   send it  to here ........ you know the e-mail address .....internationalhippie@gmail .com will be cut and pasted  as you sent it exctly ..........

so please feel free to enjoy my blogs/rants/raves/complaints/moans........or not ......... like i say your choice ........



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UK/great britain,,,,,,,,, old blighty ruined ............

  UK,,,,,united kingdom/great Britain/old blighty.......  .....was never  ever  this  bad   ..........i know  why it is    ..because...........