Wednesday, January 25, 2023

one word ......whore


There is not much to say about this whore  .........except  .....she is a  fucking whore!!!!!!!! .........of epic proportions ..,,,,, has to be  about the money .......from these dumb bastards ........ and  govt .......only a whore could do this......... for the money .......i tried to keep this rant  short  ........but she is a whore ........i mean 8 men  ,,i feel bad  for the  snatchers....crumbsnatchers /kids ......her  vag  must be destroyed after crapping out  11  ...window lickers ....fridge raiders amn the flaps  must be like an  equestrian saddle  .......eleven kids  the  birth canal is shot .........or  she was  just   born  with a trap door .......she beat ocotomum ....but she  had  them all at once self respect at all ........did i mention  i think she is a whore .......of course her third world mentality  did not help  neither   for tennesee ......deliverance country ......did i mention she looks like a whore  too .....oh well the govt will pick up the tab  .....who wants a bint  with a  severly used  vag .........

Woman slammed on social media for having eleven kids with eight men


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......