Monday, January 2, 2023

great thrornburg ......

 Greta thrirnberg has not  discoverd  sex yet .......because if she did  she would not be bleating on abiut the planet ......once you discover  ass/vag/dick/titties/sex/fornication/relationship/fucking  ......once you get the taste of  vag  boy or girl  ....its addictive  .....i know  she is trying to save the world  .....but   dying a virgin   cannot  be  fun .....but how many  guys wanna  date ...... an  annoying little ....... bullied viking.......  girl with assburgers ..........not sure ,......but i have been to wal mart .........and seen men with hippo woman or  vice cersa  ......then there is hope  i dee  some  couples  that look like  fucking   beyond  FUBAR......i mean how  do people  find  each other  .....i have no idea ......i mean FFS ,,,,,,,if i am going to date ....... it has  to be worth putting up with all the female shite ........ attached  to being a fucking female .......not too mention the fucking yapping ....incessant  gum pumping   .....the sex  has to be  beyond......... like clean .......clinical.........alien beyond  shit ....... and the  feet  ...that's another thing ...trying to  find  a  woman with  nice  feet   ........

if great finds a guy  he will have to  as like  or  dumb guy ad she will need  to put out  viking  crazy  shit  ....i think her   rants will stop ....and she  will fuck off !!!!!!

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  Pesronally  would it not have been easier  buying a  nice  second hand  yacht....... or  something  better than an old cruise ship  .........