Monday, January 9, 2023




Due to the fact we are living is some really fucking pussy weak times  ........where  every fucking monkey and their uncle offended  at some time .......i like to post a disclaimer .......... saying that my website is  just a conduit ......... to as to what i feel and say ....because ........on face book........ and  all those other pussy  platforms ........ who censor everything........ because of the  fucking weak ass....... ididots......... who are still mummies boys who have not left home  .....or  get offended  at everything .........and  anything........ and  do not know .........what the fuck they are ,,,,......i say  fucking useless  fuckers  .........that's  what i say can't say this  can't say that  ........ because  some  fucking weak ass is  offended's just a website .....ain't nothing else  than a  place to vent .......if all it takes is words and not  actions to offend you  ....then it is not i ..... it is  you ........for being a  weak pussy .......words do nothing........ they have no material force behind  them ........actions  .......say like a kick in the balls that fucking hurts or.......say...... a  fucking slap in your fat  empty head  .....with a 10 lb  ......freshly  caught Atlantic  salmon .....that's  going to hurt like a pineapple in your  ass.....with no  anesthesia......yip sirrreee  bob ....words ................anyways to ease  you pain and  suffering like a  little  crying  girl  who  has  just  lost  her  kitten are some  pix to cheer  your  ass up  ....or not  .......giddy up .....!!!!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......