Thursday, January 19, 2023

ARE YOU THE ONE .........

 Are you the one  ..........a reality show called  reality show......... about a bunch of  people  go across the globe........ to find  another  fuckwit  as stupid  as them .....only  a stupid cunt  hangs with a  stupid  cunt ......ugly inside ........i personally love tits and clits ....... but that's it .......poetic huh !!!!!!i have no times  for  stupid female  games...... they  like to try and play .........i hate make-up .....girls who talk too much .....drink beer  form a bottle  ...wear  jeans  .....and you can smell their perfume .......the most disgusting perfume is ........patchooli ......fucking  old gross wood stock  vag ...!!!!!! perfume.....for smelly  vaginas know when hioppy chicks  do not wash their......  pussy/vag/birth canal/stench trench / get it  ....a stink booyah is  an no go .....but  patchooli  was invented  for that i think .........however  this  reality show  for   all these  fucking losers  who  cannot  get a  date.......just another   old  theme  re done  hashed   .....not  reality  just  another  bunch of  goofy bastards ......... looking  for  attention ....... that's  all it is  ......but some  low life insecure   fucking idiot will watch  it ........ i  could only take two minutes  and i am  done  ......i hope someone  has  herpes  .........and spreads it that's is ........ reality right there .........crabs galore  .........and  not edible ones neither  unless  you wanna vag crabs that is  ........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......