Friday, December 23, 2022



I have been camping maybe  two.....three...... four times .......less than ten........all i can say is it fucking blows's pure shite i am a germaphobe .....i hate it  ........fucking tents  blow ........ and  the   dirt and  shit idea of camping involves a  rather  large RV......a nice one........  in a  KOA site  with showers and shit .......WIFI.........toilets ......etc etc........ and a little  shop  ........where i can buy  shit  ....not  that fucking hillbilly the middle of nowhere.......... jason........ micheal myers  shit sir  ....what the fuck  makes  anyone  wanna  set  up a  nylon fucking bubble  ....... where a  bear  can rip it open like a bag of cheetos .........what are you fucking nuts  ......pissin in the woods ......... or worse shitting in the woods ........ leave that to the bears  ....they do it every day versus wild bollocks ......well i do not like enough people  to go  camping .....i went to a massive camp thingy deal many years ago  ........with real campers of  america was   basically a shit  ..........load of people  camping  together......  drinking like  fucking loonies ...... and   living in vans and tents .......basically about a  100 people or more  ........ getting together in a site  to drink was a  fucking riot /mess/drunken charade/fucking /madness ....all thing ..... ...but mostly a  fucking piss up/booze fest ........

However.........  the movie......... the blair with project ....was the stupidest movie i ever saw ........who needs a friend that is more  concerned about her camcorder than safety .........that's a friend whom i would smack the shit out of .......that was basically the premise of this dumb ass movie .........all the stupid bitch cared about was her  stupid  camcorder or whatever  it was .....the signs of danger  was more  apparent than anything  ......all the movie  portayed........  that kids who go camping are really fucking stupid .......that's all i took away from it .......nothing more  and your  friend with a  video camera a cunt ........of course...... if you are  an empty headed ....easily  pleased .......servile retarded movie goer ........who will watch paint dry ,,,,,on a shithouse wall .......then these movies  .....are plenty .............

The Blair Witch Project and the Real Town of Burkittsville

At the 1999 Sundance Film Festival, missing person posters and confused whispers circulated about a movie that was a compilation of real video footage shot by three hikers who were killed under strange and mysterious circumstances. It was very clear from the festival guides that The Blair Witch Project was a work of fiction, and it made the writer-director duo Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez the talk of the festival.

Heather Donahue turns the camera on herself during a harrowing five-day journey through the Black Hills Forest in the low-budget thriller
Photo by Artisan Entertainment, Getty Images/ Source: Reddit

The Blair Witch Project’s theatrical release’s genius marketing strategy made the line between fact and fiction even blurrier. The $30,000 indie film became a $140 million blockbuster phenomenon and also helped popularize an entire “found”-footage subgenre in the process. The movie also managed to convince large audiences that the myth was real. The thing is… only part of the myth was real. Burkittsville, where the demonic spirit of the film lives, was an ordinary town in Maryland. What residents didn’t know was that the Blair Witch hype would haunt them for years to come.

Faking History

Even the most ridiculous myths are born. They got to start somewhere. The Blair Witch legend began when Myrick and Sánchez mapped out a plan that would eventually become The Blair Witch Project. Step one was to pitch a video.

Eduardo Sanchez and Daniel Myrick, who wrote, directed, and edited the film, arrive for the British premiere of The Blair Witch Project.
Photo by PA Images/Getty Images

Produced in 1998, the film details the exploits of a witch named Elly Kedward, who was banished from the colonial town of “Blair, Maryland,” after being accused of trying to steal blood from children. A child “went missing” in the forest in the late 1800s, and when he returned, one of the search parties looking for him was found dismembered.

The Legendary Myth

In 1940 Burkittsville, an old hermit named Rustin Parr, hailed down from the Black Hills Forest saying he was “finished.” He had just killed seven children in his woodland home and blamed it on the Blair Witch. The lost footage was discovered at the ruins of Rustin Parr’s house.

Rustin Parr is giving his last interview.
Source: Youtube

Ben Rock joined the team as a production designer for The Blair Witch Project. He recalled the myth’s origins and was, admittedly, “a little obsessed with anagrams back then.” Rock decided to take the name of British occultist Edward Kelly (he and John Dee were said to bring people back from the dead) and ended up with the witch’s name.

Rustin Parr

Rustin Parr’s name also didn’t come out of the blue. The name started off as an anagram from Rasputin. With a sketched-out back story, Myrick and Sánchez were free to drop victims into the middle of it.

The old scary-looking house of Rustin Parr from the outside.
Source: Reddit

Heather Donahue, Michael C. Williams, and Joshua Leonard “disappeared in the black hills of the forest in 1991.” But before that, Myrick and Sánchez needed a starting point for the film. That’s when all the trouble in Burkittsville, MD began. This is how The Blair Witch Project literally made history.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......