Friday, December 23, 2022

@The mall

Well 2days before Xmas the mall watching the masses ......and what I see is a whole mass of shopping .....servile.... empty headed ........consumption driven..... plastic bag carrying .......who have no idea that they are paying to advertise free for the mall shops......yes carrying these bags is free advertising........ and you pay don't know you are being used .......and played ......but you are subconsciously........brilliant corporate strategy ......especially around this time .........the women shop ......the men carry the bags .......and stand outside ........and wait like puppy dogs .........or sit in the strategically placed benches.........oh this is no accidents my friends........they have you all figured .......Xmas .......ti's the season to spend under the guise of a holiday........yes .....sales here .....sales there ......Just in time for the holidays .......and more sales after ......when you get money for gifts .....from Aunt Libby .........Uncle Joe gift cards ......where ya gonna spend them .......the mall .....of course ........and the masses flow in order....... through the mall........ looking searching for that special gift .......brilliant you say ........that is how it is set up .........let them work ......get cards cards ........give them that sense of freedom .......cut them loose in the air conditioned mall .......candles .....smells .......scents 
......lights....... trees .......santa .......line up .......take pics........ all for the reason .......for the season ........if you don't do it are the bad guy .........shame on you .......not liking Xmas dare you have to's what everyone does .........the masses the ones that truly believe's all about Xmas the mall it's all about numbers ......sales .....stock ......merchandise .....get them in ......spend...... spend now....... pay later ...........and they do in droves ........sales ....sales ......sales's pressure to pony up have no choice!!!!!!! work have no choice you have .....otherwise you are like me sitting in the mall........ observing the masses......spend .....spend ......spend ......

so you know  not to take life blogs .....govt ......job....xmas and all bullshit that drives you nuts is a pic of a guy pouring pepsi up his nose bugger king......(no it is not a typing error ).........


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......