Monday, December 12, 2022

oysters look like old flaps ..........


Oysters to me are fucking disgusting .......they look like 90 year old piss flaps .........that's all i can relate or  correlate  they are  grey rubbery and  apparently   salty and  preggers broads  cannot  consume them because of  the  mercury on  the  ocean ..........the mass of  brainwashed  seafood  eating fools........ believe they are an aphrodisiac.......much like those  fucking idiot chinese culture ......... who believe eating shark fins......... will make them horny.......... or  grinding  up animal parts ........ you fucking  idiots ......old  folks  tales  ......or those  old  fucking granny recipes   ....chicken soup for   a  cold  .......bollocks .......i used to have it ......did not work ........ and now i am a  vegetarian .......or  vagiterian....... eating  pussy is not regarded as eating meat !!!!!!!......because  you are not chewing and  swallowing .......just nibbling and  chewing .......and pussy has no fat  or  cholesterol ......unless you are into  fat  pussy  ....which i am not !!!!!! ....i am in PHAT  pussy ........ big diff ......if  you know  what  PHAT means ........otherwise not  ..........however oysters  servile ...... rank ...... rubbery........  disgusting ........ nasty  .....should be left on the  ocean  floor  .......all that works for two little flaps of  shit oyster is  basically a  filter system........ that sieves shite from the ocean ........ like plankton.........that's its  job....... i think........ that ......... and  all the other shite ........  disgusting humans  put in the  sea .....

Anyways dumbasses  enjoy  your  rubbery oceanic  old pissflaps .........Aphrodisiacs you believe that ....... great sales gimmick.........but of course any guy that is  looking for  a  boner....... will look  desperately for anything .......dumb shit  4 brains.....when you consider  .......howmuch vigra is consumed every day in USA's more important to have  boner pill sales  than cure kids  with  cancer  right .........old guy boner shit  ....lets  make  sure  they live........ and kids  die  .......i have no symapthy if you get sick  eating that  stuff ......

Dozens have gotten sick from oysters — including in Florida. Publix issues a warning


Oysters harvested in Texas are making dozens of people sick to their stomach in Texas and as far as Florida and Louisiana. Health departments and Publix are warning the public.

The Texas Department of State Health Services recalled oysters, both in shell and shucked, that were harvested in the southeastern Galveston Bay area from Nov. 17 through Dec. 7.

It has caused a few dozen cases of gastrointestinal illness in Texas, Florida and Louisiana among those who’ve eaten them. Symptoms include fever, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, chills and headache. There have been no reports of hospitalization.

It’s unclear where in Florida people have reported feeling sick. In Louisiana, 10 of 19 cases have been linked to the oysters being consumed at restaurants, the state department of health reported.


Consumers who think they’ve purchased Texas oysters since Nov. 17 should check the packaging to see if they were harvested in “TX 1”. If they were unpackaged, contact the seller to find its source, the Texas Department of State Health advises. Restaurants should contact their distributor.

Oysters from “TX 1” should be thrown out.

Publix is cautioning consumers to check the shell on oysters sold in its “live shell on oysters” fresh seafood display case. They would have been marked with a GTIN number of “29697000000” and harvested from Nov. 17 to Dec. 8.

Texas health department epidemiologists are working to investigate cases of illness and testing water samples 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......