Sunday, December 4, 2022

@ the mall

well as you know....... I love blogging .......and observing ......mostly the bullshit of everyday life .......and the one that gets me most is slavery........ where they talk of yesteryear......... and our forefathers and their forefather's .......tales of slavery in plantations and suchlike ........but as I sit in the mall on Sunday........... and observe the two legged rats ........AKA humans ......they are worse than the rodent species least rats do have a purpose........ and sort of animal honor system ......unlike their two legged counterparts .......I feel the rodent variety has more honor........however I observe the mall rats's truly what they are ........ Have no idea they are enslaved by the commercial bullshit ......the pressure of stupid ass Xmas ......a truly fictitious day....... that never existed........ or neither did the fucking fat feller..........that still managed to get into apartments and houses....with no means of access ......but it's truly not allowed to be revealed because Santa....... Christmas makes a fucking bungload of money .........for those Chinese sweat shops .......supposedly keeps and feeds children ..........but you know how I feel about the Chinese......... and their repugnant views of life.......... on all level and their brainwashed culture keeping the myth of a fat fuck alive is good for biz .......let the kids still be bamboozled enough ... think there is a fat fuck ............going to bring them a right ......maybe they do know ad don't care .........but my point is enslavement now is not all banana pickers .........whippings .....old slave songs sirrrreee  Bob ......slavery now has become high tech .....and the slave masters are not some southern landlords with that southern drawl in their plantation mansions's sinister financial corps  they use money instead of chains to shackle you the form of car payments.......mortgages.....a card ......and you are rewarded with  image .....and a house which you never truly own ........till you are old enough to have fun ......and they are constantly watching your every move by the tech trapping instead of shackles ........your bill .....Siri ......Alexa .......and all the while they are hedging bets on you on Wall Street financial institutions ......your mortgage is hedged on ......your job .......there are no chains ....just for the masses they are your shackles funds you have to make them successful........ or appear successful or else you fail.......image .....where you live ....what school your kid goes to ......where you shop ......what  you buy ........and the cornerstone of every enslavement your house you can spend less time in it so...... you can pay for it work to pay for something you hardly live in .........but this is modern day slavery .........and you cannot quit ......because if you get off the financial treadmill lose it .........then the vultures come in ......and divvy up all your hard work ......and all you get is the scraps .........while the financial sharks get their bite of the carcass.........
just so you do not  feel is a picture of a nice pink rose ........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......