Friday, December 30, 2022

2022.......good fucking riddance ......

 well i always like to reflect on the year as we close out .....this one fucking blew !!!!! the other two .......thanks to fucking china !!!!.........i had covid twice ......thanks china!!!!! ......summer was hot and boring ......gets worse every year .......i think everyone was disappointed with air in general ......i want to go to an exotic location .........but flying have no idea if you are going to get there in time ......flying has become a naude .......i mean people pay to come to visit south florida .......i live here constant summer .....i gte very few bad days ......cold snap.....hurricane....which i do not care about ......i have owned property here and in the uk all i know its a pain in the's never your own ....unless you own it outright ......i mean paid off .....a mortgage is like pay to the bank ......and you are always buying for the house .......However 2022....fucking shite year only redeeming fact is that i  have  constant great weather can always go in doors...... when it is  cool ......plenty places .....but when it's can get stuck in the fucking cold .......especially when you are in your car .......not fucking good mein host..!!!!!

So with all that bollocks behind us  ...time  for a  fresh start .....hopefully we will not go to  ww3...with the  Russkies or the  cuffs .......with this admin .....pandering useless ...weak ...gutless .....spineless.....nut less....pussies .......America needs a real man in power .....not  a  doddering old codger with hair plugs ........well whatever  happens in  USA ,,,,,it will be the donkies fault.......simple you voted  for it ........america  was  scared of  someone  that was  not  afraid  ...they like a  soft pussy ......but as i  do not vote  ....because i know the deal ....but if you follow the masses  ....then it's your bag ......the masses will always follow in droves ........that's what the govt want ......they need  them to vote through fear's how they get in power  .........they do not care about the few  .....we do not matter ......

However good fucking riddance ......and hopefully china will get banned  from everywhere  .......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......