Saturday, November 26, 2022

world cup so far.....

So far this has been the most boring world cup ever me it seems contrived and controlled........ and somewhat staged ......maybe  the host country would prefer it .......I know it's clinical .......and we'll you cannot have such a sporting event in a Muslim country ........Sharia law is not to have fun's misogynistic ......bullying strict for anyone to have's too brainwashing if you want the truth ......which no one wants obviously........
But the country is against all things........ like drinking gays .....etc .....etc's way too strict for a sporting event like this ......but the arab nation want to be recognized as a football loving nation cannot buy this shit .......this money that was used in Qatar means nothing ....they have it there is no meaning their wealth they simply buy what they want's all built on the backs of the poor ........and ignorant uneducated .......they buy them and work these poor people  lot have died building the stadiums .......but the rich don't give a fuck .......they will just replace another worker's greed....... money....... and image...... nothing else is all veneer .......for a small time all that money spent ......who wants or will want to go back to a football game after the world cup's all it's built for all that money .....spent on one event ......not too mention the death and misery of all the poor people used in it  building .....for such a short time ........
While there is wars .....and suffering........ we all must remember that it's important to have the world cup's more important than children and people dying .......we all know we have to entertain the mass of empty headed fools.......... We go sit and watch a game filling their heads and stomachs ....... who do not care about the underbelly of suffering and poverty .......death.....and sadness long add they get to see their stupid country play for 90 minutes gives them something to feel good about 

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