Sunday, November 27, 2022

fucking holidays .........

I definitely know I am wired different from the rest ....and fucking no ....I don't mean sexually .....I mean the fucking fucking garbage ........right after Thanksgiving they start playing ....the Xmas annoying AF crimbo songs .......GDJCSOBFMOB........I mean FFS a month of being Crosby ....David Bowie .......Bruce fucking Springsteen .....and fucking porno whore looking Mariah Carey ......I mean she is very very bangable and suchlike ......but her fucking Xmas song's like having a barn shoved down your urethra.....she makes about 10 million bucks in that one fucking song would think that bitch would give it to saint Jude's .......oh !!!!!!!fuck no ......she needs it to add to her millions ......jet fuel chance of her giving that to charity at all..........I guess they all make crimbo cash ......none of them donate it to hungry kids no sirrrreee Bob !!!!!!!!!!!'s the most annoying fucking  month of the year ......cunts acting like they give  a fuck .....and all Christmassy and shit .....wearing fucking elf hats...... and dumbass sweater parties .........hey look at me making a cunt of myself drunk on egg nog ......... egg nog is disgusting's so fruity to get  drunk 0n a pussy drink    wearing stupid knitted sweater ..........sorry folks it's dumb as fuck .......and you get these fucking office losers ........hoping they  will bang some office whore at the party know the game's an annoying month .......and they want you to be nice ....... gets worse every year .....because it gets more materialistic ......and the kids are dumber and dumber ......and the parents too 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......