Friday, November 18, 2022


 I just do not get this food at all ......goose liver  .....i guess carnivores do not care what they eat animals it's  a filthy ......servile ......arrogant  delicacy ......eaten by the  fucking simple minded   hateful .....who  do not  care anything  about animals .........there is enough shit  to  eat .......without fucking up  geese   ......i mean  i have smelled it's disgusting is  wrong with you ......if you going to eat animals  there is  enough to  get by with the way .......there is   chicken livers  same  shit ......... different  bird  dumbass.......

Nice on charles ........i am already liking the  new king  ban  all  bird liver pates .......

King Charles bans foie gras from all royal residences

Foie gras
Foie gras

The King has banned foie gras from all royal residences, it has emerged.

Buckingham Palace revealed in a letter sent to animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) that the food, made from the liver of a duck or goose, was not purchased by the Royal Household nor served in any royal residence.

“There are no plans for this policy to change,” it added.

Foie gras has been described as “torture in a tin” by animal rights campaigners, as it is produced by force-feeding ducks or geese until their livers swell.

Higher welfare standards in farming

The King has long campaigned for higher welfare standards in farming.


In 2008, as Prince of Wales, he banned chefs at all his residences from serving foie gras. He was also said to be considering withdrawing the Royal Warrant from a cheese shop near Highgrove, after learning it sold the delicacy.

At the time, a Buckingham Palace spokesman refused to reveal whether Queen Elizabeth II still served or ate foie gras.

Three years later, the policy was extended to include Buckingham Palace and all royal residencies.

It was served at a state banquet hosted by François Hollande, the president of France, at the Élysée Palace in Paris in June 2014, reportedly at the late Queen’s personal request.

In 2016, it emerged that chefs working at Dumfries House, the Ayrshire mansion saved for the nation by the King, were offering the delicacy to wedding guests.

A spokesman said at the time that the commercial arm of the business had nothing to do with the then Prince of Wales.

However, the spokesman added: “Foie gras did appear as a canape option and no longer appears on any of the wedding menus.”

'Follow the King's lead'

The letter received last week by Peta was sent in reply to a query about its foie gras policy.

Tony Johnstone-Burt, master of the King’s household, confirmed the ban was in place at all royal residences, which would include Balmoral, Sandringham, Windsor Castle, Hillsborough Castle and Buckingham Palace.

Elisa Allen, vice-president of Peta, welcomed the move, saying others should “follow the King’s lead and leave foie gras off the menu this Christmas and beyond”.

She added: “Video footage of birds being painfully force-fed is enough to make anyone lose their lunch.”

Peta sent the King a hamper of a “cruelty-free” alternative called “faux gras” in recognition of his “compassionate policy”.

The production of foie gras is banned in the UK, but it remains popular in British restaurants.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......