Monday, November 7, 2022

For fuck sake.............

Here we fucking go again .....a hurricane headed towards sunny South Florida........ now as you all know....... I am not a lover of all things hurricane ...........but they are fucking awesome too....... at the same time......the power makes humans so weak and vulnerable .....humbles the fuckers  a bit ......however I think one is barreling toward West Palm Beach .....I have not checked the news and shit .......however the thing about the whole hurricane...... Is these bastards that get nuts ......they go to gas stations...... panic like little bitches ...........because of their wives...... and then go shopping for shit paper....... .....and we all know........ it's fucking women causing this shit. ........guys would never be like this....... we would just get beer ....gas...... and pussy not fucking women.......they send the guy to get shite paper....... fill up all the fucking cans .......and get anything they can they don't fucking  about care about old folks........ people....... or anyone else long as their bitch husband ........does all the fucking shit a little's a fact....... go to any Costco ......Sam's club......and you will see these fuckers with shite paper ......water .....and goodies .......selfish fuckers ..........don't expect me to give a fuck .....about these you know who you......are.......don't act like butter won't melt in your fucking piehole  long as your ass is clean right .....sending you spineless husband in his pick up....... or else you will make his already miserable ......non existent....... sex life worse ........yes cobwebs come to mind .....or winter bush ......yep skip!!!!!!!!!........
So hurricanes....... they are just reminders of how vulnerable .......and weak human beings are ..........yes you can have everything .......but in the space of less than one day Sanibel ......poof!!!!!!.......David fucking Copperfield/Paul Daniels/ penn and teller / Chris motherfucking angel ..........gone!!!!!...... mein host ...........everything .....even the proverbial kitchen fucking sink .......where did that saying come from ........did people Rob kitchen sinks .......who fucking know !!!!!!'s strange .........they never mentioned jewellery ever ...........oh well well oh well be continued............

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