Well i am not sure or do i care about fucking time travellers ....i wished i could ...how the fuck does one get onto time travelling shit......... i will do it unpaid of course ...let me know ......must be a rip ...seeing other fuckers behind or in front .....i think a lot of people are full of shite ........but that's bevcasue i think everyone is full of shite....... until proved otherwise.......
Bizarre footage ‘proves time travellers exist’ after performer seen with ‘AIRPODS’ at 2008 Olympics opening ceremony
BIZARRE footage claims to prove time travel exists by showing a performer at the 2008 Olympics opening ceremony wearing airpods.
In the TikTok video, the performer at the Beijing games can be seen with what appear to be white plastic objects resembling the Apple earphones in his ear.
The unusual claim about time travel stems from AirPods only coming on the market in 2016, a full eight years before games.
In his video, TikToker yessirbrother says he was "appreciating the Beijing opening ceremony" until he made what he claims is a remarkable discovery.
“I think I found a real time traveller. Beijing Olympics 2008 – this guy got Airpods though!,” he says with the words CHINA GOTTA EXPLAIN on the screen.
It comes as fans have claimed there is a 'time traveller" lurking in an iconic picture of the 1962 World Cup final celebrations.
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