Thursday, October 6, 2022

haunted houses.....

Maybe it's just me ..... But the whole Halloween thingy deal...... I find annoying as fuck ...... Well first off...... Haunted house ...... You know everything in America is run and protected by attorneys 
.... Who ruin everything with legalities ...... Clauses and all such like exclusions and bollocks....... You know you are going to get frightened by some twat jumping out ..... But he ain't going to do shit ...... He can't ...
He can just scare or go boo !!!!!.... That's shite ...... He cannot do too much ...... So it's kind of weak really ..... No fucker is going to do a haunted house where people usually weak people are afraod of everything being scared.......let's be honest if you have a weak heart and you're a pussy ..... They ain't going to let you run through ..... They don't want you to die 
.... Its just a money maker that's it
.... If someone jumps out with axe .... .... You cannot belt them with a meat cleaver ..... Most guys that go and scream at this shite ..... Are a little light in the pocket ..... Women are the ones that scream like hookers being slapped by their pimp's ...... Its a 💩day and then you get the little fuckers parading at your door ..... Saying trick or treat ...... You cannot trick them or the mum's will get pissed .... Because their little bastards dont get candy ........... Imagine having a full bucket of candy and tricking all the little fuckers......... Everyone is so covered and scared and worried the fun has gone .... Because people on both sides have fucked up the fun part of holidays ....... Its the truth ...... You cannot say shit to anyone anymore they become so sensitive and politically correct ....... Its breeding idiots .......... 

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  There are not enough words for this  fucking useless ....nutless ....gutless......   filthy ....low life    dirtbag ....lying two faced  p...