Thursday, September 1, 2022

the cost of drinking

Well I like to touch on lots of subjects ......
Alchohol is definitely one of these subjects that brings many things to mind ......... On one hand it can be fun ..... As it releases inhibitions ...... And brings out the devil in all of us...... And yet ...... On the flip side .... It's a cold blooded murderer ......
How many people have went out for an evening ...... And went on a binge with buddies ..... A friend..... Or got caught up in a situation ...... Got..... Hammered and drove and ...... Kaboom ...... Just like that ...... Every day USA,...... Someone is dead ..... Someone has lost everything ......It happens ....... I have had had my fair share of drunken debauchery on levels I cannot even discuss and got in fights .... And situations that were bad .,....really bad ........ But had some fun too ..... With females of course ..... Women and alchohol ...... That always and only the best part of drinking ...... You know it's happened on every chat show ....... You know the women say ..... Hi Jerry we got to drinking .!!!????...... Yes that's the lubricant ..... The leg opener...... Spanish fly ....... How many women cannot do anything without drinking ......... It's true ........ But it's very degenerative to for the body ........ They say glass a wine a day is good........ Yes but some people mistake that as a bottle ...... It has made .....and broken dreams ....... Like some women got knocked up ....who would never get knocked up .......  And there was a movie made about the very scenario .....called funnily enough ........knocked up ........ About an ugly ass.... Lazy..... Gaming loser..... Who bangs a hot successful .... Bint ....... You know that bastard with nasty hair would never get a bint like that ....... Unless he had money ..... Women are not that stupid .... When it comes to breeding ...... However those chances would never happen sober...
.. that my point ...... So broken dreams.... Those are made through alchohol and bad decisions ........
Yet when you got to a bar ... The tender offers an array .... Of glamourus looking concoctions ...... Whose permutations run into the millions .......
Million of ways to fly..... Die ..... Cry.... Say goodbye.... Choose wisely my friends ..... Choose wisely ....... Because in the blink of an eye and a few drinks ....... Life can turn on a dime ............ 


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......