.... That's how I cannot get along with yahoo .... Facebook ..... Or Instagram and Twitter ...... Thanks Jack ........ Because they are all terrified of free speech and of course the weak....... Timid..... Insecure...... Low self worth....... The needy ...... The greedy ..... The cupcakes ..... The front loops ....... And the mass of fucking loonies that take offense to anything ..... Or word ...... Or rhetoric ...... Because they simply cannot face reality ....... They run and hide behind ..... Communities ...... And such like fuck wits ...... Who are emasculating ...... What dimwits are left .....Throw in the mommies boys ...... And of course not to mention a very very very weak president who panders to weakness...... And this the results are coming to s head now ...... America is in the shitter ...... And Americans are bent over ...... Well the Biden voters are ................ However ....... As always I strayed a little from my subject ....... Freedom to say what you want ....... If you have anything constructive ...... Not .... Articles of lipstick for men ...... Or crossdressing for klepto ..... Pvc clad lumberjacks on fentynol.... And their boyfriend's ...... I mean a good rip to get stupidty off your chest ....... Please feel free to post in here ...... It's free ....... Yes free!!!!!!...... I know something in America for free ......no ass grab
.... Or lube ...... Just send it to same name @ Gmail I will cut it and paste it exactly as you wish ...... Please no articles of post op female clowns...... who drive earth movers ......and are part time musician in a choir...... Shit like that everything else ........ It's all good ......... and to show my appreciation .......here is a poster of a pig taking a shite in a toilet ......please enjoy ........
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