Wednesday, September 14, 2022


I have been watching k- pop music ...... And what I take away...... or gather from it ..... It's very conveyor belt same music ..... Made for the sake of..... just well money .....or whatever ..... It lacks depth..... Character ..... Essence it has no organic ..... Or crunchiness to it ..... If you listen to say ..... Lewis capaldi ..... Or Ed Sheeran ....even Miley Cyrus .....or Adele ..... Some non k pop you will see some semblance of character expression .,.feeling ....... k pop is wiggle ..... False smile ...... Almost robotic and veneer ..... Like they are just going through a motion ....... You know like a shite ...... It's the closest I can describe to what I see ...... It's like they are disinfected ......and only allowed to sing mono only style ...... There is no deepness ....or richness this ..... I would call karaokesque sounding  empty music ...... .... They have no individuality .... They wear too much make up .... And smile awkwardly ..... And stiffly dance to a beat that is reminiscent to aqua ....... Only ten times worse with less beats ...... I'm a Barbie girl bollocks ....... Which incidentally sold millions the mindless........ To whom I don't know ...... But you can bet your balls to a barn dance ..... It was huge in the gay clubs ..... You know the 32.-64 ..... Psuedo techno beat .....that all gay men..... love belt looping too..... after .., their red bull .....martini ....drug trail mix party favours..... If you don't live in Florida..... and do not know what the club/ drug scene is..... Trail mix is cocaine /Viagra/ecstacy/speed ...... And they mix it with the sherbet stuff...... that is like pop rocks ...... And it goes bada bing...!!!!!!!!!..... After been to many clubs in Miami ..... And they have shared bathrooms ..... Where men and women piss/shit/fuck/co joined stuff ....... And you see two cupcakes snorting pop rocks ..... But it's not ..... Trail mix ..... Curiosity....... or curious minds like to keep up on suchlike deviant club shit ...... I being one of them ..... .asked the fruit .
Loops .... WTF is that!!!!!!!!..... They will tell you ..... Don't ask me why one would wanna do it........ but hey if you need something to ring you bell .... Then I guess it does ..... I personally do not need my bell rang that hard...... But if you are of that derivation and in need of....... Jump on in........ I personally think they are nuts ...... ......   .... But one thing leads to another..... I think music is totally lost and empty.... And with k pop ...... It's just going to get worse ...... I sincerely hope it does not cross into country/heavy metal...... Or other shite ..... Who knows .,....if it makes money ...... Then it probably will not be long before we are hearing.,...... Billy ray Cyrus ..... And wong ping dung .... Making a country song .... About country boys..... eating dogs...... and rusted out KIAs .....and sake

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  I really  did not give  a fuck about the  song  .......i mean.........  cher is   totally fucking  epic....... and  all .......but ..........