Tuesday, September 13, 2022



Everyday i scour and look for shit ,,,.....no...... not fecal matter .....media bollocks which i can  make fun of!!!!!! ....why!!!!!! well ....i need something to do with my website .......and as i have had this website many ......many years .....i just like people to know my thoughts .....maybe you do not want to know  them ....i try my hardest to dilute them and  make the as  best as i can......

But i love the stupidity all over the globe ........and we ....as  human beings the fucking dumb shite we   partake in .....everything from food to funerals ...clothes to clits .....and clit related  subjects .....oh!!!!! and cans ....we all love cans  ..everyone loves cans .......even lesbians love cans  ...and some gay guys ......love  cans!!!!! ,.........but hey that's another day .......

I try and express my thoughts as easily to digest as i can ....but my delivery and writing method  ...may be a little  unorthodox for some people...even worse to the grammar cops .......and alphabet police ...... i hate to write like other do....why should i ......its 2022....everything is  fucked up ....so why can't my writing  take on its own  style .......no one cares about  what you do .....so voila!!!!!!...maybe i might start a form of writing that people like ....or not  .....the queens english they say ......well the queen is gone ......so this is how  my english is ......so if you like it enjoy  .......if you don't  ......please do not  let the door hit you on the  clit on the  way out ........

I will try relentlessly to bring you the most servile .....repugnant .....grossest...... most  vile ....sub human blogs i find.......or as close as i can get  ...but the media are such pussies .......so hang in there ......i may have to scour the European garbage filth media market ......we all know the 1st amendment shite  here ........ we  may have to go abroad ....//

                           final thought

As we live in the weakest of times .....where there is  cancel culture.......censorship.......and every little fruit fly....cup cake.......is afraid of everything ....and people are offended by every little last chard of truth you say ........also including facebook instagram and twitter .......whom i despise ...not as bad as the other two ......

It's the masses that allow censorship ......they are responsible for all the shit that happens .......otherwise like France ...... people would stand against their govts......until people in america stand up and fight stupidity .......then you will lose your right to  say every day

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