here is a blog i have been dying to assault ....verbally that is ....corporate america .........
corprate america is propelled by fucking greed ...... backstabbing ........and is nothing less than a servile...... repugnant ......blister on the ass of humanity .........i have worked for three corporate entities ,,,,and they own people souls ........and people......... do not care as long as they can cash that check........ and pay the bills ..........corporation..... love to trap the people....... that need to pay bills .......and they give you the employees a false sense of power ....human resource..... managers ......all the way up and down the corporate ladder....but if your soul is for sale ...then corporate is perfect ......but you are only as good as lunch time .....and that's a fact ......
even the servile...... not for profits not be fooled ........they are there to make money ...only non profit sounds good .......
I am not into these power grab companies .....the lies ....the way they shit over people ......i worked for one ..... and it seemed like they were caring ....but then i never worked for corporate i thought they cared .....and promised this ...that and the other .......and i should have saw this at the beginning was a place call .....HIPPOCRATES HEALTH INSTITUTE ......they play the spiritual vegan role ....on how they care about you ,.......what they can do for you....... until you get sick...... and cannot help them ......i got poisoned at a vegan health resort .........and well that was that i learned about corporation ....evil filthy entities.......
The CEO promised a lot ..delivered nothing ,....but when you are salaried at a million a year do not care about underlings......... and this is why i have venomous contempt about this place .....i witnessed how people were treated like dirt .......unless you had something to offer .....and bring to them were just a low paid bottom feeder landscaping ......all mostly non american obviously ......they portrayed all sort of helpful healing .....within this campus ...but the internal hanky panky and stuff ........that went on was incredible .....and it touted itself as a vegan resort ........ but mostly non of the employees were vegan however i do not trust any corporate entities ....
The people who end up there ,,,and trapped in corporations...... and they know this have mouths to feed...... and bills and mortgages to pay you get a paycheck ...... as long as you do what they say ......they have you caught ....i met so many people told me...... they could not quit ......fear is what traps people ....fear of losing job/family/house/wife/cars.....its better to hate your job...... and pretend you are successful .........than have nothing ....that's the american it or leave it
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