Tuesday, September 20, 2022

guess what day it is .........



Yes!!........ guess what day it is.....it's national voters registration day in USA.......yes!!! a day to tell you that you are only as good as the X you put in a box ........a day you get up ....you know  take a shit......drink some coffee ....eat some bagels/waffles/cereal/bacon/eggs/toast/grits.....etc....etc....while you brush your teeth .....comb your hair ......(if you have  any left after all the shit you are going through ).......then get in your car ......and drive and wait in line .....possibly hours ......and/or stand in line........  to go into a box........ to put your x....... in a parties box ......and then you get the  grand sum of ....wait for it !!!!!!!fuck all........ for your  time /troubles .......but for all your troubles and  time ......you are giving a piece of paper the  size of a  bottom of a  coffee cup ......saying you voted ........wow!!!!wow!!!!!!wow!!!!!a sticker ......amazing ....and this sticker.......... has the collective value of ......nothing ........that is what they think of you .....nothing ......because as soon as you put your name on that box ......you are nothing to  govt  .....nada/zip/zilch/fuck all/nil/......they only care about you for that moment .......i hate to tell you this........ but that's the truth ,.......you get in your car ......spent your money on gas ......time .....to vote  for someone .......who does not care about you........one bit .......it's the greatest scam ever....... put on human beings......but you love the lies told to you....... they promise you everything ....and  every time you buy it .......good egg!!!!......or ........as we  brits would like to say ....goody goody gum drops!!!!!!.........and you can always give yourself a pat on the back for paying extra for that ....gas/food/rent/bills/tax/clothes/mortgage fees/payments ..........

If no one voted  for this bullshit things might be cheaper .....but you will never know  ......because the govt knows......... it's a numbers game....... based on fear.....the masses live in fear ........and will pay for it .......just like if everyone stopped using gas for one day .....the price of gas would collapse .......but that will not happen ........they know you have a  wife and kids to feed ....and you have to go to work ........game based on fear of the masses ......don't hate the player .....hate the game ..........

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