Monday, September 26, 2022



Listen i say as long as there as snorters....... and sniffers .........there will be  business men selling the white lady/chooch/dust/lint/percy/charles/bolivian marching dust /nose candy/ snort....... no biz.....but there is's very .......very popular in UK ............not sure might be a generational clubby deal......... thing .........i do not get  cocaine ........ never have ........never will's the drug of  narcasissts......... and strippers love the candy ......they do.......... they really do.......its  business ........snow  business.......  like  snow business ............i have been around users  they are  fucking assholes...........  and will rat you  out  for an  8 ball........girls will do some sick shit ........ for an  8 ball ......... been there ......... done that seen it .......yep's a devil drug  ..........and  some  people  cannot leave it buyers sellers  ....its not the  albanians  thats to blame......... if its was not them.......... then it would be somone  else  .......think about it  .......its  an addictive  substance  like all that stuff  .........pablo escabor warned the  C.I.A........... if they kill him the mexican  cartels will take over  .....and guess  what they did........if tyhere is no  deman there is no supply .......somone in UK is  using a lot of  charlie and there is  somone  making money........

Here is something you should know China.........  at half time soccer  games  .............they have a firing squad for drug dealers and users too ..........i have to say  ...........i do not like the country much ..... but at least they are fair in this deal use lose ...............

The port of Guayaquil is awash with cocaine heading to Europe
Albanian gangs have seized control of a trafficking network from here to Britain
They have left a trail of blood and destruction
This is how Albanian gangs took control of Britain's cocaine

Every day between 5pm and 9pm children as young as 10 gather on the concrete football pitch in the northern Pascuales district of Guayaqui to learn how to murder.

For four hours as the sun sets over the port city in Ecuador, the ‘school for sicarios’ teaches its pupils to load their weapons, track their targets and kill.

The schools, an open secret, are the first step for aspiring young hitmen (sicarios) to join rival gangs competing for a share of the growing cocaine export market to Europe.

But graduation is not guaranteed.

Young recruits are first expected to murder a rival gang member, or in some cases, their own family.

The Duran neighbourhood in Guayaquil, Ecuador
The Duran neighbourhood in Guayaquil, Ecuador CREDIT: Victor Raison

“They made some kids murder their cousins or uncles,” Juan, 16, tells The Telegraph.

“It’s about proving loyalty,” says the teenager, who has killed 45 people since he signed up aged 12, all of them in cold blood.

“The kids know if they refuse, they’ll be killed. They have no choice.”

The growth of murder camps in Guayaquil comes as a fierce new battle emerges in the city.

Local factions have been tipped into a brutal struggle to work for the region’s new masters of cocaine export: Albanian gangs.

This bustling port, the gateway to Ecuador’s Pacific beaches and the Galapagos Islands, has been turned into a warzone.

And the ripples can be felt as far as Grimsby.

According to British police sources, of the record 11 tonnes of cocaine which were seized in the UK last year, much is likely to have been sourced by criminal factions from the Balkans

They ship the drug to British shores from South America, via Belgium or the Netherlands, which they have turned into the principal drug ports of Europe in recent years.

Migration from Albania, one of the poorest countries in Europe, has allowed gangs to set up in key cities across the continent and take over trafficking networks previously dominated by the Italian mafia.

In South America, the fragmentation of organised criminal structures since the peace deal with Farc guerillas has opened up the drugs market, allowing Albanian gangs to muscle in.

By sidelining the traditional Italian or Mexican middlemen, Albanians negotiate directly with the producers. They now largely command the entire supply chain from South America to Europe.

And this brings a cheaper and better quality product to places like Britain, where use of cocaine has become ubiquitous – and no longer just among the middle classes.

The National Crime Agency says violent Albanian criminal groups now dominate the British underworld.

Guayaquil, a key despatch point in the Albanian pipeline, has become the latest epicentre of the world’s drug-related violence.

“Everyone wants a piece of the pie,” says Juan, explaining how local gangs are battling for supremacy to work with the Albanians and take their cut.

Juan, 16, took a seven-months training to become a hitman
Juan, 16, took a seven-months training to become a hitman CREDIT: Victor Raison

In the poorest neighbourhoods of Guayaquil, murder has become almost routine, and many of the victims are children and teenagers.

Last month, two brothers aged 6 and 10 were shot dead in their home as they played with their toys. A third child, aged 5, was injured.

At first, the police believed the children were “collateral damage”, but now they say the minors were directly targeted by their father’s criminal rivals.

“Another score settled,” says Juan.

Police figures show that the number of under-18s murdered in the city so far this year has tripled since 2021. 

“This is all new for us,” Colonel Byron Ramos, the deputy chief of the country’s anti-narcotics police, told The Telegraph. “And it’s getting worse.”

Guayaquil’s homicide rate has doubled to 34.1 per 100,000 inhabitants in the past 12 months, making it one of the world’s most dangerous cities.

And it is not just gangsters being killed.

Prosecutors linked to cases against drug traffickers and journalists who expose their illegal networks have also been assassinated.

Two weeks ago a car bomb exploded in the city, killing five people. Ecuador’s interior minister, who did not respond to interview requests, said the bombing was a declaration of war by the gangs.

The president immediately declared a state of emergency, effectively militarising the city and imposing curfews and checkpoints.

But it is too late.

The recent arrests of judges, lawyers and naval commanders – all implicated in corruption scandals and the international trafficking of cocaine – show how the country is fast becoming a narcostate.

Albanians rely on local gangs in Ecuador to help them transport their cocaine and provide security. And this has created a bitter rivalry between opponents to become the biggest and the best.

According to sources within Ecuador’s intelligence community, the Albanians co-operate with various gangs at different points in the supply chain, but those with most turf, most weapons and most control become the preferred partners.

One of the losers in the new order is the Choneros gang, which used to dominate Ecuador’s criminal landscape.

The murder of the gang’s leader last year sparked infighting and a series of prison riots, in which more than 300 inmates were killed, many of whom beheaded.

Relatives of killed inmates mourn outside the prison in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Relatives of killed inmates mourn outside the prison in Guayaquil, Ecuador CREDIT: Jose Sanchez Lindao

“It’s about becoming the strongest,” ‘Jonny’, a leader of the gang, tells The Telegraph from inside his bullet-proof 4x4.

“We have to show the Albanians, the Mexicans, whoever, that we’re serious and that we can do real business,” he says, wearing sunglasses, a baseball cap and weighed down by jewellery.

The prison riots still cast a shadow over Ecuador, such was the extreme violence that led to the dismembering of about half a dozen inmates.

John Campuzano Trivino, a father, begged from his cell via social media for the authorities to intervene before he was murdered.

His son told The Telegraph: “The gang was drilling a hole through the wall. Their plan was to finish off their rivals, and my father, who was no gangster, was one of the many caught in the middle. The authorities did nothing.”

A family of a man murdered in Guayaquil ask for justice. John Campuzano Trivino was killed last year during a series of prison riots triggered by the death of an Albanian gang's leader.
The family of John Campuzano Trivino ask for justice CREDIT: Victor Raison

As the new gangs vie for control in and out of prison, the need for foot soldiers has become more important than ever. Teenagers become obvious targets.

“I employ someone just to recruit the young,” says Jonny, waving his pistol at a young woman to cross the road.

“The ones with no parents, no money or the ones addicted to drugs are the easiest to convince, but they’re not always the brightest or the most able. That’s why we invest a lot in training and sicario schools.”

Young trainees are often fuelled by dreams of a better life, and according to Juan, these dreams can become a reality.

Juan says Albanians have started taking the best sicarios with them to work in Europe.

“I know three of my friends who went. They pay for the visa and everything. I never had the chance. But it’s what most of us dream of.”

View of the CRS Turi prison in Cuenca, Ecuador on February 24, 2021, after riots occurred
The CRS Turi prison in Cuenca, Ecuador, after riots occurred CREDIT: Fernando Machado/AFP

Juan’s future within the gang, at least, looks promising.

The teenager – who has seven weapons in his arsenal, including two .38 calibre pistols, a 9mm and a mini uzi – has formed his own group of what he calls “special forces”.

The Aguilas Menores – or the Young Eagles – are a group of around 20 children and teenagers, carrying out some of the most difficult and high-profile hits. 

“The hardest kills are the victims that have been kidnapped first. They know they’re going to die and they always beg to live.”

Like many teenage gangsters, he began his criminal career moving drugs through Ecuador. He says there is an army of children ferrying kilos of cocaine on public transport by paying off drivers.

The Albanians run two supply chains into Guayaquil, one from southern Colombia and the other from Peru.

“Ecuador has become a place of strategic importance for the Albanians,” says Colonel Ramos of the anti-narcotics police. “We are literally in the middle of their operations.”

The port on the river Guayas in Guayaquil has become a major cocaine distribution centre for the Albanians, as they seek to increase their exports to Europe.

In 2021, the police seized a record 210 tonnes of cocaine at the port, up from 128 tonnes in 2020.

Much of the technology used by the Ecuadorian police has been provided by aid from the UK, including contributions to a new nerve centre, where police intelligence profile every shipment leaving the port.

Police at the port told The Telegraph there are four principal techniques used by traffickers at the port.

The first, which is the most popular with the Albanians, involves running a front company, which they either set up themselves or buy to hide the cocaine in everything from tea to shrimp.

An alternative is the “rip-on/rip-off” technique. Traffickers break open containers of legitimate exports to ship the drugs, and use cloned customs seals to hide their tampering. The cocaine is then removed by gangsters in Europe, who intercept the containers at their destination.

Thirdly, traffickers conceal drugs in the cavities of container ships, and have even started using fishing boats to intercept some at sea.

And finally, traffickers have begun strapping drugs to the hulls of the ships docked in ports, and police have been forced to train ship captains to detect them in advance. 

Most of the containers leaving Guayaquil arrive in Antwerp in Belgium or Rotterdam in the Netherlands, where customs officers are reportedly offered tens of thousands of euros to turn a blind eye. 

It represents a major shift, with the majority of cocaine previously arriving into Europe’s southern ports, controlled by Spanish gangs and the Italian mafia.

The northern ports get the Albanians closer to the most lucrative markets, including the UK.

Belgian authorities in Antwerp say a record 90 tonnes of cocaine, worth 13 billion euros, was seized at the port last year.

Experts believe the Albanians work as a loose network, rather than a top-down gang with a leading figure. 

But the growing wealth has caused friction. Five murders of Albanians in Guayaquil in recent years are the result of internal rivalries, prosecutors believe.

Dritan Rexhepi is one of Albania’s biggest criminal masterminds in Ecuador and is known for trafficking cocaine to the UK, ordering much of his work from behind bars.

In 2020, he sought to settle a score against a rival Albanian gangster in Britain, Ndrek Prenga, whom he had accused of stealing one of his shipments. He reportedly arranged for the alleged kidnap and murder of Prenga’s brother in Albania.

In November last year, Rexhepi was given conditional release from prison over drug trafficking charges, despite being considered a flight risk.

Dritan Rexhepi, kingpin of Kompania Bello, the Albanian drug cartel
Dritan Rexhepi, kingpin of Kompania Bello, the Albanian drug cartel CREDIT: Interpol

The 39-year-old was told to report to the authorities every 15 days until his sentence ends in 2027, but court documents, obtained by The Telegraph, show that since January this year, he has failed to show up.

His lawyer in Ecuador was shot and killed in April last year.

In the UK, Albanian sourced cocaine enters through the ports of Harwich or Tilbury in Essex, and Immigham and Hull along the river Humber.

Much of it is thought to find its way into the hands of the Hellbanianz, a gang with roots in Barking, east London, who recruit young dealers on social media with the promise of Ferraris, gold Rolex watches and wads of £50 notes.

In the coastal town of Grimsby in North East Lincolnshire, local dealers told The Telegraph that Albanian gangs have created a network of corner shops and barbers from where they sell their drugs.

The Telegraph found Albanian gangsters offering loans in the form of cash and drugs to teenagers. When these cannot be paid back, vulnerable users are being coerced into stashing and selling drugs as repayment, in a form of modern slavery.

“They gave me free drugs. I knew it was too good to be true, but I was desperate,” says a 16-year-old cocaine user, who asked to remain anonymous.

“Then they told me I owed them £200. I couldn’t pay and they started threatening my mum, my sister, everyone. Now, I’m their slave to settle a score.”

In Guayaquil, Juan also feels trapped. He says he wants to start a new life, but admits he will likely be dead within five years.

“People like me don’t have a future,” he says. “For somebody somewhere, I’m just another score to be settled.”

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  I really  did not give  a fuck about the  song  .......i mean.........  cher is   totally fucking  epic....... and  all .......but ..........