Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Anthony bourdain ........final destination


Well !!!!dont say i do not  mix shit up  for you .......everything from tums .......to anthony bourdain dying in  a  toxic  hurrah .....hey listen i am not sure we all end up ......maybe at the big gates ......... it was  has been said........ i just think ....... whatever you done  .....you done  ....and whats on the other side will take  care of you ......i think you get  sent  back  recycled  ..........like an ant  ....or  a police women bicycle saddle..........who the fuck knows  .......we  will soon find out one day ........right ......well you just never  know what famous people are into .......personally i do not  care ....... as i think we are all degenerate in one way or another .........well enjoy the read  he hated his  fans ....his life .....his job ....how can you be lonely when you have drugs money and  hookers  .......nah!!!!!! just kidding .......or am i .....who knows ......... i will never tell ......ever  ...well maybe one day  ....hang in there  ........i will do my best !!!!!

Asia Argento told 'possessive' Anthony Bourdain to stop 'busting her balls' in final text before he killed himself: TV chef was sleeping with prostitutes, hooked on steroids and spent his last days 'drinking to oblivion', bombshell new book claims

  • Anthony Bourdain killed himself in June 2018 in a French hotel room 
  • Down and Out In Paradise: The Life of Anthony Bourdain is the first 'unauthorized' biography about his final days 
  • It paints an unflattering portrait of the TV star and claims he was using drugs, drinking and sleeping with prostitutes
  • It also delves into his tumultuous romance with Italian actress Asia Argento 
  • In a final text to Bourdain, Argento told him to 'stop busting her balls' 
  • They'd been arguing over her being photographed with Hugo Clement at a hotel where they had special memories 
  • The book - which Bourdain's ex-wife is seemingly in support of - paints Argento as being jealous of his close ties with his family 
  • Bourdain's brother say the book is riddled with inaccuracies and tried to block it

Asia Argento texted Anthony Bourdain telling him to stop 'busting her balls' in her final message hours before he killed himself, an explosive new biography claims. 

It was after complaining of his 'possessiveness' and breaking up with him when he complained that she'd been photographed flirting with a French journalist at a hotel where they shared special memories. 

The texts are now revealed in Down and Out in Paradise: The Life of Anthony Bourdain, a new biography about Bourdain and the first 'unauthorized' book since his death. 


Bourdain hanged himself in a French hotel room in 2018 while filming on location for his hit CNN show Parts Unknown.  

The public outpouring of sympathy for the TV star was sizeable; his fans celebrated how he'd overcome addiction to launch a successful career, and hailed his unpretentious, down to earth nature.  

The book challenges that picture of Bourdain as the people's hero. It claims he was hooked on steroids, drinking heavily and sleeping with prostitutes. 

In one text to his ex-wife, Ottavia Busia-Bourdain, he complained: 'I hate my fans, too. I hate being famous. I hate my job. I am lonely and living in constant uncertainty.'

Bourdain, just days before he killed himself in France in June 2018. He was filming for Parts Unknown, his popular CNN show

Bourdain, just days before he killed himself in France in June 2018. He was filming for Parts Unknown, his popular CNN show

The biography pays close attention to Bourdain's troubled romance with Asia Argento. In her final text to him, she told him to stop 'busting her balls' over being photographed with another man

The biography pays close attention to Bourdain's troubled romance with Asia Argento. In her final text to him, she told him to stop 'busting her balls' over being photographed with another man 


'I am okay. I am not spiteful. I am not jealous that you have been with another man. I do not own you. You are free. 

'As I said. As I promised. As I truly meant. But you were careless. You were reckless with my heart. My life.' 

Argento -  'I can't take this.' 

Bourdain - 'Is there anything I can do?

Argento -  'Stop busting my balls' 

Bourdain -' OK'

The book also includes text messages, emails and the search history of Bourdain's computer, all of which reveal his pained his relationship with Argento.

She had broken up with him, citing his 'possessiveness' over her. 

Bourdain had been left heartbroken by photographs of the Italian actress dancing with journalist Hugo Clement in the lobby of Hotel de Russie in Rome, where she and Bourdain shared special memories. 

The book reveals that he searched her name online 'hundreds' of times afterwards.  

In their final text exchange, he asked: 'Is there anything I can do?'

She replied: 'Stop busting my balls'. 

He responded: 'OK' and killed himself hours later. 

Bourdain's family and Asia Argento have already challenged the book, accusing Leershen of multiple inaccuracies. Simon and Schuster is standing by it. 

'Every single thing he writes about relationships and interactions within our family as kids and as adults he fabricated or got totally wrong,' Christopher, Bourdain's brother, told the Times. 

Argento declined to comment for the book. In an email to the journalist that she says she forbid him from publishing, she said: 'It is always Judas who writes the biography.' 

Bourdain confided in his ex-wife that he was 'hopelessly in love' with Asia. He had quietly paid off Jimmy Bennett for her, after the younger actor demanded $3.5million and revealed he'd slept with Argento when she was 37 and he was 17. They are shown above together at the time

Bourdain confided in his ex-wife that he was 'hopelessly in love' with Asia. He had quietly paid off Jimmy Bennett for her, after the younger actor demanded $3.5million and revealed he'd slept with Argento when she was 37 and he was 17. They are shown above together at the time

Argento has spoken publicly of her grief. She is shown in September 2018 in an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com and DailyMailTV where she said the pair had an open relationship

Argento has spoken publicly of her grief. She is shown in September 2018 in an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com and DailyMailTV where she said the pair had an open relationship 

Asia Argento speaks out in DailyMailTV exclusive
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Despite Bourdain's brother's attempts to have the book blocked, it is due to be released on October 11.

 I understand that people wanted to blame me because he was so deeply loved and he entered in the hearts of so many people, into their lives, into their hearts.
Asia Argento in September 2018 

Busia-Bourdain is not fighting its publication. 

The author claims she had become his confidante, and includes texts and emails between the pair. 

In one, Bourdain told his ex that he'd spent two years 'hopelessly in love' with Argento. 

The biography claims that Argento 'became so controlling that she scrutinized the social media accounts of Mr. Bourdain and his wife, blowing up when she saw images of him with his family.'

'You didn't want me to put a pic that you had in it because Asia would freak out and I have a feeling that will not change anytime soon. 

'I'm tired of pretending I don't know you. Or that we are never in the same place,' Busia-Bourdain told him. 

He replied: 'I feel you. But I was being honest. The pap [arazzi] situation is horrendous. 

'Since I left you guys, though, she’s freaking out.' 

Bourdain's ex-wife, Ottavia Busia-Bourdain, told him that Argento was possessive and controlling. She had become his confidante in the final days of his life, the book claims. She is in support of its publication, while Argento and Bourdain's brother have tried to fight it

Bourdain's ex-wife, Ottavia Busia-Bourdain, told him that Argento was possessive and controlling. She had become his confidante in the final days of his life, the book claims. She is in support of its publication, while Argento and Bourdain's brother have tried to fight it 

He defended her publicly and privately, quietly paying off Jimmy Bennett, a man who'd demanded $3.5million from her, claiming she'd molested him by sleeping with him when he was 17 and she was 37. 

Bourdain came forward after seeing Argento speak publicly about being one of Harvey Weinstein's victims. Leershen claims he is being met with resistance because the portrait he paints of Bourdain is unflattering. 

'A lot of people were willing to talk to me because they were left behind by Tony and by the Tony train,' he said. 

Argento has spoken publicly of her grief. In September 2018, she broke her silence in exclusive an interview with DailyMail.com and DailyMailTV. 

She sobbed that people accused her of murdering him by cavorting publicly with Clement in Rome in the days before Bourdain's death. 

'He cheated on me too. It wasn't a problem for us. But I understand that the world needs to find a reason. I would like to find a reason too. I don't have it. 

'Maybe I would feel some solace in thinking there was something that happened.' 

Bourdain killed himself in the Hotel Chambard in France in June 2018

Bourdain killed himself in the Hotel Chambard in France in June 2018 


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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......