to anyone reading my blog and visiting my website ......thank you so much ......understanding my rhetoric ....i thank you .....i have had this website many many years .......and i am just puitting my thoughts into web.........also unfiltered .........not my darkest but as close as i can ..........we all have our demons we are moving to complete censorship on social mdia .....there are few places left where you can let off steam and this is my baby ,........i love blogger its the only place i think you can dsay what you want have repugnant servile socail media rat shit working for yahoo .....facebook.......instagram......twitter etc......groveling for a paycheck banning the rights of human beings ........for a measly paycheck ....whoring their fucking pathetic sould .......however all i can say is thank you for putting up with me and my sometimes caustic rants .....i am not sure where the direction i am headed but its like my toy ....i do not make money from this for the sole reason is ......i do not know how the fuck to worl adsense .......dam it or i would .....however .........the day may come ....but i doubt ad bastards would want be on my site as the stuff i say may involve them ......not good for biz .......right !!!!!!!!!!!! would be a clash of interest ...anyways rock on i say .......if you need to vent sent it to me ....i will cut and paste exactly as you sent it the same name at g mail free or die trying can vent through me .......there is no price to feeling free not sell out .......
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