Monday, August 1, 2022

no surprise here


Why would anyone be surprised by this ........landlords donot care .....its a busines  ......they on;y care about getting their  rent  thats it .......they have  mortgages to pay ........its  a  business .....nothing else   not some  homeless  shelter ......

Landlord told property manager to make Texas tenant miserable so they’d move, email shows

Screengrab from Google.

A corporate landlord wanted a tenant in Texas gone, and ordered the manager of a San Antonio property to harass them into leaving — using a variety of strategies as cruel as they are creative, a government report shows.

In an email to management of the Siegel Suites, 3855 N. PanAm Expressway, a number of strategies are laid out, including replacing the woman’s functioning air conditioner with a broken unit, having security knock on her door “at least” twice every night, and disabling her TV from outside using a master remote.

The email was sent by a senior vice president of operations with a Las Vegas-based company called The Siegel Group, according to a recently released U.S. House subcommittee report, which includes the email in question.

“I want this person very uncomfortable sitting in our room for free,” the executive wrote.

Siegel is one of four corporate landlords named in the report — along with Pretium Partners, Invitation Homes, and Ventron Management — each accused of engaging in abusive and deceptive practices against their tenants during the coronavirus pandemic.

The four groups submitted nearly 15,000 eviction filings, mostly while a moratorium on evictions were in place, according to “Examining Pandemic Evictions: A Report on Abuses by Four Corporate Landlords During the Coronavirus Crisis.”

But the House investigation found Siegel took things further, and “used harassment tactics … to push tenants out of their homes without filing formal eviction actions,” the report said.

McClatchy News has reached out to The Siegel Group for comment.

The executive also suggested telling the tenant that, if management knocked on her door and she wasn’t there, they would call animal control to “come pick up her abandoned pet.”

The most extreme strategy recommended that, if children lived at the unit, to call Child Protective Services to visit the woman’s apartment.

It is a felony in Texas to file false reports of child abuse or neglect, the House report points out.

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