Monday, August 1, 2022





from time to time........ i like to put in the disclaimer ...... as there is people who do not  get the mission of  international is none  ......a mission ........its my place....... where i can what the fuck i want ....... because i pay for it .....not having to do tik  tok vids........ every day....... or instagram a social media whore sirreee!!!!!bob!!!!....its mine i pay for it i get to say what the fuck i want....... and  guess what .........if it offends you .......then you might  be part of what i am saying  .......i see life from my angle......... and  what i see is  99.99%........of the population....... of the planet  are servile....... sub par  fucking assholes......the probably the one's  that are  helping .......i might be in the masses ............ because i am no  ambassador  for the human race .......but i am no one's fucking bitch neither ......human  beings  give away character  traits ......... which  makes  them part of  the masses  ....stupid does not  know he/she is  stupid ........ i like to vent out to see who likes truth .......and honesty........  i am not  doing this to make money ........its  merely a place ...... i can tell people how i feel .........without being banned  by a  bunch of  despicable ....... fucking paycheck parasites ......... employed  by mark zucherburg ....... whom  have no life  experiences....... and probably never  will ......... just  fucking geeks .....who live with their mums cannot  say nothing without getting banned .....and the masses of weak...... ,,.,stupid.......  servile...... afraid ......spinless........ nut less  bastards .....troll on these  social media  dirtbag platforms ....where the  platform  entices  fucking weak men ....... and  stupid  fucking bitch women act like fucking cunts.......  and  do videos of  slapping....... and hitting guys  .......which  catapults.........American male  emasculation .......the pussy....... is a  pussy ....... not an ocean front  house  ....... move on  but social media trolls it as  the greatest thing since  the atomic  bomb  ........but most of the  pussy on social media  is  attached  to a stupid  low self esteem  fucker.......  dying to get  noticed ........ because her  parents were  weak ......useless fuckers ...... and  should have been sterilized  for  start..... or  aborted media is like a plague.........  and preys upon the  stupidity........ and weakness......... of  low self worth people.......... who  were  never loved  by their parents ........anyways in closing......... i say what i see  ...not everyone  sees ..... what i see.......  because they little  bit real life....... in essence ......all i can say ........if you do not like my post  ....please  go and  fuck yourself...... and  be a  facebook or  tik tok little social media whore .......nice and safe  ...its just words ..............

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  I really  did not give  a fuck about the  song  .......i mean.........  cher is   totally fucking  epic....... and  all .......but ..........