Monday, July 18, 2022

the truth by a real msuician


There are a  few  exceptions  in music ...... but not like  legends  ....most musicians  now  can write a song on their phone....... and add  auto tone ........and the vanilla  brained ....... servile ..... mall rat bastards.......  will buy  anything  they have no idea .....its a fact......... look at most or the rappers.......  there  stuff is shite....... the great rappers  have left the  building.......  you are  left with talents less  .......fucking fools ...... who  are  too busy  showing off their  ice  .......and  ill gotten  gains  ...and the   stupid  fans that buy their  shit ......but hey .....!!!!!! it all boils down to  getting the fucking idiots  to give them their  cash........ so they can  buy their  ice  .......and  drink their  cristal .....incidentally i tasted  cristal........ its  fucking  garbage  ,,,,.not related  to this topic .......but its  piss 

Roger Waters on acts like The Weeknd and Drake getting more attention: 'I am far, far, far more important than any of them will ever be'

Roger Waters has a few things to say about today's music stars.

At 78, the famous rocker and former Pink Floyd star is showing no signs of slowing down — or biting his tongue. In a new interview, Waters stated that while he's not intentionally taking a hit at the musical acts of today, he believes he is "far, far, far more important" than Canadian stars like the Weeknd and Drake.

The discussion began when Waters asked why none of the newspapers in Toronto had sent a critic to cover his show there. He was told by 

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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........

  I watched the  state of  the union     address the  great  ....... one and  only....... donald  j trump   ..........  GOAT.......