Monday, November 23, 2020

Thanksgiving .....enough said

Despite COVID Warnings, 2M Jerks Traveled By Plane This Weekend Julie Scagell ‎Sun‎, ‎November‎ ‎22‎, ‎2020‎ ‎6‎:‎26‎ ‎AM‎ ‎EST·4 min read The weekend before Thanksgiving saw over two million travelers in U.S. airports The Transportation Security Administration (aka TSA) (via CNN) said travel was at its highest over the pre-Thanksgiving weekend, with a two-day total of two million people passing through airports as the coronavirus pandemic rages on. The Centers for Disease Control issued recent guidelines about Halloween and Thanksgiving, both coming after the U.S. continues to report daily record-setting cases of the coronavirus. “Travel may increase your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19,” the CDC said on its website. The organization said that cancelling your plans is “the best way to protect yourself and others this year.” Crowds at Sky Harbor: The day after the CDC recommended people cancel their Thanksgiving travel plans, #azfamily viewer Ed Westerfield caught this scene of passengers waiting at their gates — Max Gorden (@Max_Gorden) November 21, 2020 Despite the warnings, it seems many are choosing to ignore this warning and are traveling to see family and friends anyway. Friday and Saturday (November 20th and 21st) marks the busiest days for U.S. airport traffic since mid-March. For people who continue to abide by mandates put in place in their states and for healthcare workers exhausted in hospitals trying to care for sick and dying patients, the crowds of people in airports is infuriating to see. A video from Friday showing Phoenix’s crowded Sky Harbor airport has gone viral online. On Saturday, Johns Hopkins University reported a record 195,542 new U.S. COVID-19 cases. To date, over 256,000 people have died in the U.S. alone from the virus. The latest CDC #COVIDView report shows that weekly #COVID19 hospitalization rates are rising in the United States. Weekly rates for adults 65 and older are approaching the peak weekly rates seen in April. Learn more: — CDC (@CDCgov) November 20, 2020 According to CNN, the airlines say cleaning procedures used between flights, fresh air in the cabin during flights, hospital-quality air filters now used on planes, and mask mandates during flights make air travel safe even during a pandemic. But if all these people are traveling to be with others on Thanksgiving, these gatherings will likely be the next super spreader event that puts every one of us in harm’s way. Story continues

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