Tuesday, October 27, 2020

this this a known thing


I lived in fort lauderdale for many many years ......the boating  capital of the world ....palm becash too ........i know people and have  heard  horror stories  form yachties .......they have another  name  they are called  boat with the N word .......yes!!!!!!!! there was  even a  club in fort lauderdale on 17th street  with that name ....i thought it was  disgusting ........but that was  the name they got ...........but i have heard that  boat captains  can be real wankers .......arrogant bastards  .....well they are captains of the sea.....paid well .......and the owners  sometimes  too  treat their  staff like shit ......... because. of the  maritime laws ...........all cruise ships are the  same  they are registered in  shit hole  countries  where  maritime laws  are  fucking  rancid .......its the boating  business  it has a bad  rap ........it  looks  glamorous  if you area captain  or  engineer .....but if you are a  grunt ........everyone and anyone  knows  about  maritine  law ......its  terrible  ....they are the lowest laws  ....i have heard  horror stories of  girls  on boats  etc.....etc .......once in the ocean you are at the mercy of  whoever  has  the  vessel ......cruise ships have numerous  charges  pending regarding rape  and murder  ........look online its all there  ....i do not  make this  shit up  .......just post it  for  your  happiness .......glamour always has that underbelly ......look at horse  racing ......big money always has  the underbelly /the crust /the scab/.....always grunts doing the  scab work........but as long as their  are mouths to feed  and wife and kids  to feed  .....there will always be grunts  doing the  dirty work ........just part of the business

The dark secret at the core of the yachting industry: 15 current and former crew members describe what it's really like to work on a superyacht, from bullying to sexual harassment

Hillary Hoffower
yachting industry sexual harassment problems 2x1
Those who work in the yachting industry say it has a sexual harassment and abuse problem. Samantha Lee/Business Insider
  • The yachting industry seems glamorous, but it may be hiding an abuse problem.

  • Business Insider spoke with two dozen people who work or have worked in the industry. They all described an endless cycle of abuse on board.

  • Fifteen current and former crew members came forward with sexual harassment or bullying allegations.

  • Crew often don't report such incidents because there's no real framework within the industry to do so. International laws and fear of professional retaliation can often further complicate matters.

  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

After a night out with fellow crew members in St. Thomas, one yacht staffer says she woke up to a deckhand trying to take her clothes off.

The 33-year-old, who asked to go by the pseudonym Elaine for fear of being blacklisted from the industry, says he tried to pin her down on the floor of her crew cabin.

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"I was like, 'Stop, stop, stop,'" Elaine said, recalling the January 2016 incident. "And he wouldn't stop."

She said she punched her assailant in the face before sprinting down the dock toward a marina security guard who drove her away in a golf cart.

"I looked behind me and I could see [the deckhand] in a full sprint chasing after me," Elaine said.

In April, three months after Elaine said she woke up to the deckhand trying to take her clothes off, she reported the series of incidents to the first mate, the head of the deck team, and the chief stew on board. The next day, she said, she was fired.

Business Insider spoke with 15 current or former yacht crew members. Of those, 11 came forward with firsthand allegations of sexual harassment while on board. Many asked to remain anonymous for fear of repercussions within the industry. Another four former and current crew members told Business Insider that they experienced verbal abuse, bullying, and discrimination on board.

Business Insider also spoke with 10 industry experts and veterans who work at management companies, yachting nonprofits, and law firms. They all spoke of an industry that they see as characterized by an endless cycle of abuse. At the core of the yachting industry's problem, they said, is a lack of infrastructure for reporting sexual harassment and a fear of retaliation if you do.

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  Federal workers have had it way too easy  ......way too long  a.......nd  now  a new  boss is  coming ........oin to  kick some   federal ...