Tuesday, October 6, 2020

funny thing


Well funny think i was  speaking to a  couple of blighty's across the pond  and they were  telling me ,,,,,,,,,no one was giving a shit about the  virus /hoax /slash new world order programme.....because as  soon as  the bars.......... .....pubs ....establishments opened  up ......they were  right back to their old ways ......you know  ...brits/barflies /loonies/drunks.......they need  their places  to drink .....its the brit's they love their  bars and shit .......so why  would this  be a  surprise  ........people do not know  moderation ......i don't think it is a  brit thing at all .....can you imagine the neds.....soccer louts/casuals .....have been penned  up for  so long  ....ready to drink .......we all know the brits .......but it is  just bad  here in america ........i am beginning to wonder   who is the worst ....yanks or brits .......the  barflies here  are no better ......you cannot clip the wings of  a hard core  barfly......they are worse  than a  shit/horse/dung/house fly ......they do not need  wings ........and even if you swat them .....won't make any difference .......

New three-tier lockdown planned for England: The Guardian
The spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in London

(Reuters) - A new three-tier lockdown is being planned for England, The Guardian reported, citing leaked government documents which revealed tougher measures that could be implemented locally or nationally if the government fails to get COVID-19 cases under control.

The new lockdown would potentially entail harsher restrictions including the closure of pubs and a ban on all social contact outside household groups, the newspaper said https://bit.ly/3iz0GbQ.

According to the documents seen by The Guardian, the draft plan called the 'COVID-19 Proposed Social Distancing Framework' is designed to simplify the existing localized restrictions.

The plans have not yet been finalised and signed off by No.10 officials and several of the measures could still be relaxed, according to the newspaper.

Britain gradually came out of a national lockdown over the summer, but many areas including major cities such as Manchester and Glasgow are currently subject to local restrictions.

In an interview on Sunday British Prime Minister Boris Johnson denied a suggestion that the local restrictions were not working given infection rates were still rising in the affected areas and there was no end in sight to the measures.

The three-tier system is aimed at improving people's compliance with the rules, the Guardian said, stating that many citizens do not have a clear understanding of the rules that apply to them.

The levels are intended to be 'minimum standards' and specific local circumstances would also be taken into account, the newspaper said, citing a government source.

The government had last week announced a tightening of restrictions on socializing in northeast England, in response to high and increasing COVID-19 infection rates in the region - the latest in a series of local measures.

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  Pesronally  would it not have been easier  buying a  nice  second hand  yacht....... or  something  better than an old cruise ship  .........