Friday, October 9, 2020

every single time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have never  been to a strip club .......then you may not understand the stripper mentality ......they love taking yo money !!!!!!!!!!.......but most men that frequent strip clubs are lonely guys ....needy  ...desperate  looking for  a  stripper  to  take out of the strip club and make an honest women /girl /whatever ........but strippers only care about one thing the hustle .......if you never  watched the jennifer lopez movie about strippers  ....its accurate 100 %......right on ......they take advantage of lonely men .....and there is no shortage of lonely men .......insecure men.....a strippers  job is to tell them what they want to hear ........i have been to many a strip club ....not because of  anything else  is  i got the  opportunity to go there free .....because i had a friend  who loved  strippers ...........i personally do not get it ....paying for  a  girl to dance  for a  record usually a sum which i think is a waste of time .......its a fools game .....but you have to love women who can eeeeek  money out of a  guy ......but its a job much like every other  job ....but sex or flirtation is  involved ............

You are always going to get the guys that wanna fuck these  strippers ......but a lot of them don't wanna fuck the customers ....they are  just interested in their cash  because that's what they do......don't hate the player .........there is never a  shortage of fools  in that business this blog does not surprise me in the least .......i have seen  fully grown men ...sit in parking lots  ....waiting and hoping to  get or meet  or  talk to the strippers  just because they thought they gave them money they were  going to bang them .........strippers have that nose  for  fools  and their  cash and  separation ....its a business the lopez movie .....its so true long as there is  pussy and hot chicks dancing ........there will always be weak  loneley men thinking /wanting /hoping......that they may get more than a $20 dollar dance ....or turn their  cash investment into a relationship .........its a sleazy but hysterical business  to think that some average joe is going to walk into a  strip club and  turn around the life of a  stripper  ....unless you got some game........ and money.......... and  looks like a  clooney /pitt........or all of them ......i mean there must be a  few slipped  through the cracks .......but strippers love cash .....simple  its a just ...nothing personal for a price ........of course if you get plenty money you can go VIP ........but that is going to cost you ......and no one talks  about the back room ...........but that's the biz ....nothing personal .........i guess these fools  thought different .................

Strippers agreed to a private dance for $1,000, but the men wanted more, Miami Beach cops say

Carli Teproff, Charles Rabin

A $1,000 private dance involving two hired strippers in a Miami Beach hotel room turned into a car chase and a shooting after the two women refused to have sex with their clients, Miami Beach police said.

One of the women was injured by broken glass from the bullet striking the vehicle’s window. And the alleged shooter was captured and arrested several hours later, police said, when he returned to his hotel room to pick up some belongings.

Tremain Weekes, 23, of New York, is now facing an attempted murder charge. He was being held Thursday in Miami-Dade’s Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center with no bond.

The shooting happened near the Fontainebleau hotel Wednesday morning and locked down schools in the area. The woman was treated on the scene and released.

The police report details two conflicting accounts of what happened.

The victim told police that she and another dancer met two men at the club and agreed to go back to their room at Grand Beach Hotel for $1,000. The agreement didn’t include “sexual services,” according to Weekes’ arrest report.

Police say the victim and a dancer, who goes by the stage name India, left work around 6 a.m. and got to the hotel around 7 a.m. in separate cars.

They say the men paid them when they got there, and they began undressing as they danced for Weekes and his friend, according to the report. The men then exposed themselves, police said.

“They then asked the victim and India to have sexual intercourse with them, but each refused their request, stating they did not make any arrangements for those services and they in fact did not participate in sex for money,” an officer wrote in the report. “At that point, victim said the defendant changed his whole demeanor and appeared to be bothered to the fact there would be no sexual intercourse taking place for the money they paid.

The victim then noticed a gun on the counter and became uncomfortable, police said.

A short time after, the women left the room and retrieved their cars from the valet. Weekes and his friend did the same.

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ABOUT TIME ........

  Federal workers have had it way too easy  ......way too long  a.......nd  now  a new  boss is  coming ........oin to  kick some   federal ...