Wednesday, September 2, 2020

This is a beauty ................

America is not a country's a business do not  mix don't pay the bills.....proven fact .......trying tell that to your landlord ......or bank manager .......america loves one thing ......the almighty buck ......dollar .....folding stuff ....nothing else doesn't like your ass....... its likes your money ......yes true ......its a country of no culuture only goes to war with countries that it can get stuff from .....listen i am not ant-american ......just telling the truth long as you understand that all these wealthy elite .....all sleep in the same bed together  .....financially of  course ......just like hollywood ......its just a  clique on a massive scale....america does not love you .....only one day every 4 years.....when you drag your fat ass to a polling booth .......just like sex...... it's over after you put the in...... its like after ejaculation....... man only feels good for that moment ......,after that he wants to sleep or leave have to be crazy to think this country cares for your dumb ass doesn't's a massive materialistic rotunda of consumption .....if you don't believe me ....just look at thanksgiving friday .....or xmas night...... those sales  .......where the fools are lining out side places for deals ......stuff they don't  need ....but like a bargain think this is  for your benefit ....hell no!!!!!! ........more goods used ,.... more a,merica buys ....its the pargest consumer .....its all there on the net i have said time and time again .....i don't make this shit up .......check it out ......the biggest mistake you can make is thinking people like you .......priorities are always first yourself ....the rest will look after itself ....

Would you still love America if America didn't love you back?

Peter Weber
You probably love your country. But why?
That's a question that can upset a young relationship, or even a marriage: Why do you love me?
We don't ask it much about love of country, but maybe we should. Not because it is a perfect analogy — the social contract that's supposed to bind America together is clearly different than a marriage compact. But if you think about patriotism in terms of romantic love, you can explore this idea: What if you loved America and it didn't love you back? What if you didn't even feel it was trying?
Here's why it might be a useful exercise: It is difficult, maybe impossible, for people who (like me) aren't Black to understand daily life as a Black person in America. I did not know until college, for example, that security personnel frequently follow Black shoppers around in stores, a daily humiliation, intimidation, and perpetual rejection. But most of us have experience with love and heartbreak.
Los Angeles Clippers coach Doc Rivers hit on this last week, after police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, shot an unarmed Black man, Jacob Blake, in the back seven times, in front of his three children. Rivers asked why the speakers over at the Republican National Convention were "talking about fear" when Black Americans are the ones being shot and killed by police officers sworn to serve and protect the citizenry, when only Black parents are forced to warn their children that this might happen to them, even if they do nothing wrong.
"We're the ones getting killed, we're the ones getting shot," Rivers said. "All you do is keep hearing about fear. It's amazing to me why we keep loving this country and this country does not love us back."
The U.S. Constitution, America's social contract, promises in its list of rights that citizens won't "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." The Declaration of Independence declares "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" to be "self-evident" and "unalienable rights."

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OH GEE LET ME THINK ..............

  Well god dam jesus christ son of a  carpentero ..........really what a  fucking lsoer   and  they expect this guy to  go  straight into a ...