Monday, September 7, 2020

It seems to me....anyone can get this .....instead of say.......... poeple that make a change in the world ......i think no presidents  should get it for what ......incidently the nobel peace prize was invemted by the same fucker that invelted dynamite .......go figure stupidity right .......dynamite and peace ......seems the share this oxymoronic platform .......i always thought  obama was like most presidents self serving .......he still cannot accept he got beat .......this macho shit ..he could just play golf he has millions he got from some shady deals ......but after all what did he really do  to  to get the nobel prize.......not like he invemted a  cure for  cancer or AIDS .....nope .......

nobel awards Regrets Giving Obama the Peace Prize

Nobel Committee Regrets Giving Obama the Peace Prize

It was the moment when the entire world laughed at liberals and then lost all respect for the Nobel Prizes. When Barack Obama was announced as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, even the fresh-faced president pretended to be a little shocked. “To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who’ve been honored by this prize,” Obama said at the time. Still, he accepted the prize over several other much more worthy candidates. What did he do to deserve the prize?
Now, in a traditional Homer Simpson “doh!” moment, a former director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute has acknowledged that, in hindsight, he’s not so sure if giving the prize to Obama was a good move either. More regrets on the next page:


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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......